Impervious, Unstoppable

They stood shoulder-to-shoulder amidst the false realm resembling their original homeworld, facing the enigmatic Faceless One that ominously stood there with the disguise of the Devilheart.

"What do you want?!" Emilio shouted to the Faceless One, "Are you mad I figured out you were a slimy, scheming manipulator?!"

The Faceless being stood there, peering without eyes and speaking with absent lips, only glistening teeth, "Ethan Bellrose; Emilio Dragonheart. Asher Morrows…Asher Devilheart. It's nice to see you two getting along so well. To answer your question…I mean not to slay you, Ethan; no, no, no. I mean to take away the gift that Adam gave you, and take Asher's body as my own."

"What?..." Emilio responded.