Turbo versus Speed

[Devilheart: Turbo Death]

Both of his fists were enveloped with devilish gauntlets made of nefarious energy, producing a hum of darkness. It was a form that prioritized speed and attacking power above all else, but completely forsook defense.

'If I used this against the Dread, I would've been dead in the blink of an eye. But, The Speed Demon isn't that fearsome when it comes to raw power–I need speed,' he thought.

It was the second that the wind changed that both figures took off in speed that left them as nothing more than blurs amidst the forest; the air howled and cracked, whistling at the agility that surpassed normal limitations.

Asher opened with a heavy haymaker with his enormous, deathly gauntlet, causing a shock wave to erupt forward with a nefarious howl; it tore through the neighboring lake, causing vapor to erupt as the heat of the blow vaporized a portion of the body of water.
