Exchange of Knowledge

The half elf placed her hand on her hat to keep it on as her silver locks swayed with the passing wind before responding, "When do you plan to head out again? I don't believe you plan on staying in Yullim forever."

"You're right. I don't plan on staying too much longer, it's just…after my last journey, there were so many times where I didn't know if I'd see my family again. I guess you can say I'm getting my quality time in…just in case something bad happens out there," Emilio said with a melancholic smile.

"Don't say things like that. You'll be fine," Celly lightly nudged him on the arm.

"I know, I know, just–dying and coming back changes your perspective on things, you know?" He said.

"I can't really imagine what that's like," Celly said as if not really wanting to know either.