Darkness Itself

"Ethan Bellrose–that's my old name," Emilio told her.

"Ethan? Let me guess–you were originally from the United States?" Excelsior touched her chin.

He nodded, "Yup. If you don't mind me asking, why'd you come here? It's a big leap to leave behind your old life."

Excelsior smiled, scratching her head, "Well…let's just say I wasn't exactly in the best spot financially. I was swarmed with debt, and I had made a lot of pretty bad enemies in the process. If I'm being honest, my "old body" has probably been chopped to pieces and sold on the black market–well, a long time ago now."

Somehow, the scarred woman still laughed while telling a story that didn't feel lighthearted in the least, but it seemed that to be par for the course with the hardened woman.

"That's pretty rough," he lightly chuckled.

"Right? Anyway, what about you? What's your reason for coming to this chaotic world?" Excelsior asked.