Morale Boost

Julius couldn't help but smile somewhat as he embraced his son, "You may be bigger than me now, but you're still my boy. Don't try to bear these burdens alone. I'm here for you. We all are."

"That's right," Celly added.

Everett gave a thumbs-up, "'Course! I've always got your back, Emilio!"

"We're family," Irene assured him.

"You guys…" Emilio said.

As he could feel the warmth of tears in his eyes, he was surprised as he felt another embrace from behind as another joined in the hug, making it a group hug with all of them.

The voice of the lightning-wielder filled his ears, "That's right! Family sticks together!"

"Uhhh…? Who's this guy?" Julius raised an eyebrow.

Emilio grumbled, glancing over, "Sirius…He's, uh, a…comrade?"

"Comrade?! Brother, that stings like a thousand needles!" Sirius feigned being shot in the heart.

"...This guy is a weird one," Everett muttered by Irene's ear.