Trial By Combat

"Spatial magic," Emilio uttered out upon realization.

"Huh–?" Celly reacted in surprise.

"You're kidding, right? I've heard about it, but that stuff is just hypotheticals and all that, right?" Excelsior added in.

As they looked towards the arena with great curiosity, the smile that was on Sirius' lips did not disappear. The lightning-wielder's black-and-gray, military uniform shifted with an odd wind as the pristine buttons on his coat shined off of the cerulean light.

This time, it was Bastian who went on the offense, launching towards Sirius with speed not unlike lightning itself, conjuring a golden sword into his hand before–

In that split-second, space itself contorted as if the wind itself was being gripped and forcibly turned into a spiral, reshaping and melding it.
