
In front of the head bodyguard, a silver force rippled in the air, manifesting an appearance like that of stained glass, representing holy concepts as it completely blocked the lightning-clad figure from moving further.

"Negate and repel," the hooded bodyguard invoked.

"Hah!" Sirius couldn't help but laugh in joy as he was blown back, flipping backward before landing on his feet.

Emilio was surprised at the result of the encounter, "What was that? It looked like you couldn't even reach him."

The man ran his fingers through his electrified hair with a smile, "I've figured it out: that right arm of his is able to produce a "nullifying" force and repel objects, while his left arm is able to produce attacks that can't be defended against."

"Huh? Is that some sort of magecraft?" Emilio raised an eyebrow.

"Don't know, don't care!" Sirius said, launching back into battle.