
A storm of sand ruthlessly pelted against the three men as the gigantic rock itself began to rise, unburying itself from the shore. It felt like a never ending onslaught of life-and-death scenarios within the unforgiving island; the titanus creature unearthed itself, stomping down with its flat hooves of stone as it towered over the three men.

It resembled a mix between a tortoise and a horse, clad in a stone exoskeleton with pink flesh exposed beneath certain points; it possessed hair of some kind, resembling stringy vines that cascaded down its back.

"That's a big one," Emilio muttered under his breath, readying himself for conflict.

The roliath was nothing short of terrifying in its sheer size and density, as it opened its cavernous maw to unleash a bellowing roar that shook the shore.

Emilio stepped past Everett, rolling up his sleeves, "Make sure the old man doesn't die, yeah?"

"Ya got it!" Everett nodded, hoisting his large shield up.