Chapter 2: old times

### The Gala: Dou's Reflections and Revelations

Dou Zi, still reeling from his encounter with Lanz, found a secluded corner at the gala where he could sit and observe. The event was in full swing, with glittering chandeliers casting a warm glow over the room, illuminating the wealth and power gathered under one roof. Dou's thoughts, however, were far from the opulence around him. His gaze locked on Lanz, who was engrossed in conversation with investors and shareholders across the room. The alpha's confidence and charm were palpable, traits that had once endeared him to Dou but now only deepened his sense of betrayal.

As Dou watched, memories of their youth began to flood his mind, taking him back to a time when the world seemed simpler and his heart unburdened by the weight of betrayal and lost dreams.

### Flashback: Childhood Memories

Sixteen to seventeen years ago, a young Dou found himself wandering around a playground. It was a hot summer day, and laughter filled the air as children played. Amid the merriment, Dou's eyes landed on a solitary figure—Lanz, a boy of his age who stood apart from the other children. Intrigued by the boy's solitary demeanor, Dou approached him with a smile. "Do you want to play together?" he asked, hoping to spark a friendship.

Lanz's response was a curt "No," followed by silence. Yet, Dou was not discouraged. Every day, he returned to the playground and struck up conversations with Lanz, refusing to let the boy's initial rejection deter him. Gradually, Lanz warmed to Dou's persistent charm, and soon, they were inseparable.

They spent countless afternoons fishing—a pastime Lanz adored. Dou, always the talkative one, would chatter on while Lanz listened with quiet attentiveness. After their fishing trips, they would retreat to Dou's grandmother's house, where she would prepare snacks and meals for the pair. Dou would entertain Lanz with his comic book collection, and despite the stark contrast in their personalities, a deep bond formed between them.

One day, Dou turned to Lanz with a grin and asked, "Hey, Lanz, you'll be my best man when I get married, right?"

Lanz nodded solemnly. "Yes, I will."

Their friendship flourished throughout that summer, and even after a year apart, Dou went to great lengths to attend the same high school as Lanz. It was during their high school years that they discovered the bitter feud between their families, a revelation that should have torn them apart but only seemed to strengthen their bond.

Dou's transition to a beta was a turning point in their relationship. He had always yearned to be an alpha, but the relief that came with being a beta—exempt from the hormonal chaos of alphas and omegas—offered him a unique perspective. For once, he could envision a future free from the constraints of fate and soulmates.

"I'm happy for you," Lanz had told him, his words sincere.

"Yeah," Dou had replied, "I can still marry a pretty girl, have a normal family, and take over my dad's business. I'll split everything fifty-fifty with my sister, and maybe she'll marry an alpha and start her own family."

Lanz had simply smiled, his approval unspoken but understood. The memory of those days, filled with dreams and promises, now felt like a cruel joke in the wake of all that had transpired.

### The Bitter End

As Dou's thoughts drifted back to the present, a wave of sorrow and anger washed over him. The betrayal he had experienced wasn't just a knife in the back—it was a slow, torturous realization that everyone he had once loved had turned against him. His sister and mother, who he had trusted implicitly, had sought to use him as a pawn in their schemes once they discovered he was an omega. The most painful betrayal, however, came from Lanz.

On their wedding day, Lanz had stood before him, not with love but with contempt. The alpha's announcement that he refused to marry an omega like Dou had shattered his world. Dou hadn't even known he was an omega until that day, and as if on cue, his body betrayed him, plunging into its first heat in the middle of the church. Lanz's cold rejection and the hungry, predatory stares of the alphas surrounding him had turned what should have been a moment of joy into a nightmare.

That day marked the beginning of Dou's transformation. The innocent dreams of childhood were replaced by a burning desire for vengeance, a resolve to carve out a place for himself in a world that had shown him no mercy.

### The Speech

Lost in his thoughts, Dou barely noticed the announcement calling him to the stage. "Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Dou Zi of the Black Wolf gang."

Dou stood, his posture exuding confidence and grace. With Zhong, his imposing bodyguard, by his side, Dou made his way to the stage. The crowd's whispers followed him, a mix of admiration and incredulity. His striking appearance and composed demeanor seemed at odds with his fearsome reputation as the second in command of the underworld. Yet, his mere presence commanded respect.

Taking his place at the podium, Dou scanned the room, his gaze lingering briefly on Lanz, who was still engaged in conversation, seemingly unaware of the storm brewing across the room. Dou cleared his throat, and the room fell silent, the audience eager to hear what the infamous Black Eagle had to say.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Dou began, his voice calm and measured, "I stand before you tonight not just as a representative of the Black Wolf gang, but as a proponent of change. Our world is evolving, and it is time for the underworld to evolve with it. We are taking a bold step forward by legalizing many of our enterprises here in X City."

The audience listened intently, some nodding in approval while others remained skeptical. Dou continued, his words carefully chosen to convey both strength and sincerity.

"We have entered into a partnership with one of the most prominent companies in this city, a collaboration that will benefit both the legal and business communities. I am pleased to announce that Mr. Lanziz's company has agreed to join us in this venture, merging our interests to create a future where both the black market and the stock market thrive."

Lanz, hearing his name, turned to face Dou, a look of shock and confusion flashing across his face. Their eyes met, and for a moment, Dou saw a flicker of the boy he once knew, now buried beneath layers of ambition and betrayal. A chill ran down Lanz's spine, the weight of Dou's gaze heavy with unspoken accusations.

"Thank you for inviting me tonight," Dou concluded, his voice steady and unyielding. "I look forward to your support as we embark on this new journey together. Have a great evening."

The room erupted into polite applause as Dou stepped down from the stage. He navigated through the crowd with grace, deflecting attempts at small talk with a polite smile and a few well-chosen words. His eyes, however, remained fixed on his goal—Lanz.

### The Confrontation

Dou approached Lanz with a calmness that belied the turmoil inside him. Lanz, still reeling from the announcement, looked up as Dou reached him, his face a mask of surprise and unease.

"Were you that surprised?" Dou asked with a slight laugh. "Your company has already signed the proposal for our real estate and casino ventures. I look forward to working with you. Don't worry; I always keep things professional."

Dou's words dripped with a mix of sarcasm and sincerity, a subtle reminder of the betrayal that had severed their bond. He gave Lanz a conspiratorial wink before turning to leave, his steps light and confident. The night was far from over, and tomorrow promised to bring even greater challenges.

As Dou made his way to the exit, he felt a sense of satisfaction. His plan was unfolding perfectly, and he knew that the path ahead, though fraught with danger, would lead him to the vengeance he sought. For now, he would rest, gather his strength, and prepare for the battles to come. The memories of the past had given way to a fierce determination, and nothing, not even the specter of his own doubts, would deter him from his goal.