Sister Fei (part 3)

### A Glittering Reunion at the Airport

At the bustling airport, three young men stood out, drawing curious glances from passersby. One of them, Jin, proudly held up a glittery banner with "Sister Fei" emblazoned in bold, sparkly letters. Jin, always the enthusiastic secretary, had outdone himself this time.

Dou Zi, eyeing the banner, couldn't suppress his curiosity. "Jin, when did you even have time to make that?"

Jin grinned from ear to ear, clearly delighted with his creation. "Oh, this? It's nothing! I saw the glitter alphabet stickers online and thought they'd be perfect. They arrived just yesterday." He seemed to glow with pride, explaining as if he had just unveiled a masterpiece. "Pretty cool, right? I bet she's going to love it. Want to hold it?"

Before Dou Zi could refuse, Jin shoved the banner into his hands. Dou Zi, now holding the overly cute sign, could only sigh inwardly. Jin could be a handful, and this was yet another example. Meanwhile, Chen, the ever-stoic bodyguard, watched silently, as if such antics were par for the course.

At that moment, Dou Zi spotted Sister Fei. She was a whirlwind of energy, waving excitedly as she caught sight of the banner. Letting out a delighted squeal, she began to run towards them, her joy infectious.

Her four bodyguards, clearly accustomed to her exuberance, hurried after her, calling out, "Young Miss, please slow down! You might hurt yourself... Young Miss, wait!"

Dou Zi couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose, feeling a mix of amusement and embarrassment. Sister Fei's carefree nature was both endearing and mortifying, especially when it drew so much attention.

Ignoring the stares, Sister Fei flung herself at Dou Zi, hugging him tightly. "Did you make this adorable banner?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Dou Zi shook his head firmly, pointing at Jin. "Nope, all his idea."

Fei laughed, clearly amused. "I love it! The fact that you're holding it means a lot to me. It must have taken some effort to stand here with such a glittery sign."

Despite the slight embarrassment, Dou Zi found himself smiling. Fei's joy was contagious. "Let's go home, Fei. You said you had serious business to attend to in X City?"

Dou Zi couldn't help but wonder what she meant by "serious business." As they headed home, he felt a strange mix of anticipation and relief. Fei's presence had already begun to lift his spirits.

### A Feast at Home

Back at the mansion, lunch turned into a grand feast, the dining room filled with laughter and conversation. Eight people sat around the table, enjoying a spread of delicious dishes. Sister Fei was the life of the party, regaling everyone with amusing anecdotes and embarrassing stories.

Fei was the epitome of girly energy, with a love for cute and handsome men, an affinity for comics, and a penchant for the occasional party. She was beautiful, with a baby face that belied her age, and her hair, dyed a light pink, added to her doll-like appearance. Despite her petite frame, she had a voracious appetite, devouring large portions with gusto, yet managing to maintain her slim, curvy figure.

Watching her enjoy herself, Dou Zi felt a sense of contentment. Perhaps life wasn't so against him after all. Fei's kindness and beauty were a breath of fresh air, a stark contrast to the bitterness and betrayal he had endured.

Fei's room had been prepared next to Dou Zi's, so after dinner, she went to freshen up and take a nap. She mentioned she had something special planned for the evening and needed some rest beforehand.

### A Night at "Midnight's" Club

That night, Dou Zi, Fei, and Chen arrived at the most exclusive club in X City, owned by Fei's close friend, a beta known as Midnight. The club was the go-to spot for the city's elite, and gaining entry was either a matter of status or introduction.

Upon arrival, they were directed to a private room, where Midnight awaited them. The beta, a strikingly handsome young man with a foreign air, rose from his plush leather sofa to greet them.

"Hi, I'm Midnight. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, extending a hand to Dou Zi. "You must be Dou Zi."

Dou Zi, impressed by the club's sophisticated ambiance, shook his hand. "The pleasure is all mine. Your club is incredible, Mr. Midnight!"

Midnight beamed at the compliment, clearly pleased. He turned to Fei, who had already made herself at home, a glass of scotch in hand. Jin had stayed behind, leaving only Chen to accompany them.

"Would you like a tour?" Midnight offered. "In five minutes, our special show will start. I hope you'll stay to watch."

Dou Zi nodded in agreement, intrigued by the promise of a special show. As he and Midnight left for the tour, Fei told Chen to relax and enjoy himself. The bodyguard, though ever watchful, decided to have a drink while keeping an eye on the young mistress, who was known for her ability to handle her liquor.

Just as he took his first sip, two alphas entered the club. Chen's heart sank as he recognized them: the doctor and Fu Lanziz. The bodyguard couldn't help but think that the night was about to get a lot more interesting.

### The Club's Hidden Secrets

Midnight led Dou Zi through the club, pointing out various features and explaining the secrets that made it a favorite among the city's elite. The atmosphere was vibrant, the music a pulsating beat that seemed to sync with the energy of the crowd.

They arrived at a private viewing area just as the special show began. The lights dimmed, and a spotlight illuminated the stage. Performers in elaborate costumes began a mesmerizing dance, their movements fluid and captivating. Dou Zi watched in awe, the stress of the day melting away as he became absorbed in the performance.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Sister Fei was already on the dance floor, enjoying herself immensely. Her carefree laughter echoed above the music, and Chen, ever the diligent bodyguard, kept a watchful eye on her from a distance.

Back in the viewing area, Midnight leaned closer to Dou Zi, his voice barely audible over the music. "This club is more than just a place to dance and drink. It's a sanctuary for those who need it, a place where everyone is equal, no matter their status."

Dou Zi nodded, appreciating the sentiment. The club felt like a haven, a stark contrast to the harsh realities of his life.

### Unexpected Encounters

As the show ended, Dou Zi and Midnight returned to the main area of the club. They found Fei in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by admirers. She waved enthusiastically as she saw them, her infectious energy drawing even more attention.

Chen, still nursing his drink, spotted the two alphas approaching. His instincts told him to be wary. The doctor and Fu Lanziz had a history with Dou Zi, and their presence here could mean trouble.

The doctor, a tall, imposing figure, scanned the room with a predatory gaze. Fu Lanziz, with his powerful build and confident demeanor, was equally intimidating. They moved through the crowd with ease, their eyes fixed on the group around Sister Fei.

Chen positioned himself to intercept them if necessary, his senses on high alert. The night, which had started with a joyful reunion, was now tinged with a sense of impending drama. As the alphas closed in, the bodyguard couldn't help but think that this night at Midnight's club was about to become a lot more interesting than anyone had anticipated.