Are you avoiding me?

In a luxurious bedroom a young man could be seen sleeping in bed, his face looked relaxed but then the very next moment later he looks like he is in serious pain,

His hands are gripping the sheets till his finger tips turned white, while on his forehead are droplets of sweats, his lips are arch as if he is in so much pain.

His golden lurks are dam from sweating, this young man is none other than Duo Zi who is having a nightmare ..... he whimpers in his sleep no.... no.. don't go.... as if begging.., as his hands grips unto the bedsheets even tighter, tears could be seen rolling down by each side of his closed eyes...he tosses and turns in a very uncomfortable manner as if trying to wake up from the terrible nightmare ....

It's The day of his wedding all over his best friend of ten years treated him like a burden or worse like someone who is nothing more than a stranger.... Lanz wait don't go.... can't we at least marry and get divorced later..... am confused tooo can we just talk..... I didn't know I was an omega either you have got to believe that time Dou Xu was so scared.... because he knows how much his family hated omegas....or even talk it through.....??

But the alpha turned with some much hate and terror and said no I don't want to see you again

But why..... sniff.... hah... uh... at least tell me why????

It so much pain the omega asked..... did.... did you perhaps found her ...YOUR SOULMATE????? because that could be the only reason for Lanz to reject him!!!

And without turning around the alpha said YES...before walking away... Dou zi was abandon by his most trusted friend and the person he had grown to have feelings for.

Dou Zi cries while screaming.... wait.... don't go... don't leave.... wai....t....!!

He jolted away awake while patting hard and trying to catch his breath..... seeing that he is alone in his bedroom he realized that was a dream.... he touched his face only to see that he had tears from crying from the dream.... wiping his face he heard a knock by the door... after clearing and fixing his throat he answer the door with "a please come in".

The door open and reveal a very beautiful girl with pink hair who is none other than sister Fei, she walks in with steady rush steps... in her hands is a bowl of porridge and a glass of fresh squeeze orange juice, she placed them on the coffee table before walking to the bed side.

She gently placed her hands on his forehead before asking how he was feeling.... the omega looked at the beautiful and caring sister that he never thought he could be blessed with, he nodded his head before saying he is definitely fine, but turning to look at the meal, he couldn't help but ask why she brought in breakfast to his room if he could just walk down stairs and eat by the dinner table,

But his sister smiled before saying, oh but it's evening now and not morning....., you have been out for three days straight, you regain consciousness night night and after your medication and dinner he pass out again but am glad it's finally over...I was worried sick you know..

Every thing she was saying sounded different and unusual, so he asked why he passed out....

His sister looked At him with so much concern before asking; so you really don't remember anything from the night at the club???

He couldn't help it that some thing about its sounds familiar..., seeing his reaction she said, you meet Fu lanziz at the bar and you went into heat but it was very unusual and you where completely out of control and so I tried to find out what happened for the last three days and I think Lanz might be your soulmate!!!

What no that's impossible, the shock and disbelief is written all over his face before he says; no he is not... he can't be... he left me that day for that reason.... why would you..... but he couldn't if finished his sentence when the flashback of how he wanted to be with the alpha started to flash in his memory, he now remembers everything and the only reasonable answer to this is to go find that alpha.

But to surprise the alpha seems no where to be found.

Oh no Lanz you lied to me before and now you are avoiding me.... to think you even have a way out of thats actually a naive of you !!