Sister Fei the assistant

A week has passed since Dou zi tried to find Fu Lanziz but nothing.

Until today the alpha's Secretary finally contacted secretary Jin asking if he could arrange a meeting with Dou zi.

The secretary replied formally and said that he will get back to him with an arrange date and time that his boss will be available

Secretary Jin went to the study where his boss is busy with piles of work that got piled up during his abscess from work, even though most of the work were already reviewed by his secretary but he wants to check for hidden errors, because he wants everything to be perfect...., no room for errors.

He waited five years to take his revenge he won't let a single error ruin his plans, taking down his father's company is not so easy as he had originally planned but it's still interesting because the harder the obstacles the more fun he gets when breaking it down, it's just like a hard piece of puzzle that takes time and patience with lots of focus.

Dou zi raised his head only to noticed that his secretary has been talking to him..!!

And so he removed the reading glasses that he had on, he only wears the glasses in doors, in fact apart from Jin, Chen and sister Fei no body has seen him wearing the glasses, it kinda just added to him his charms, now looking at his secretary as if giving him a go ahead to explain why he is there.

Secretary Jin took in a sharp breath before speaking up; sir the Fu company made contact, they want us to arrange a business meeting, I have your schedule...

Dou zi listen to his secretary's words without saying a thing, while he is battling within, wondering if it's a good idea to meet the alpha, most importantly he feels intimidated, scared and afraid of what the alpha might do to him, now that he knows that the alpha has an upper hand than him, but he doesn't want to give up, what if he can still win..., now this is the chance that Dou Zi will willing to take.

After resolving his internal crisis, the omega raised his head the his secretary who is waiting for the boss reply;

Dou zi replied; Jin arrange a meeting with the closest open schedule, and please contact our men who are undercover in the Zi cooperation ( his father's company) arrange a meeting the soonest, I have something important to discuss with them.

Jin bow his head and left the study, on his way he bumped into Chen the bodyguard,

Jin smiled at Chen but the bodyguard pretended, like he didn't see the Secretary, Jin smiled knowing that this is how the bodyguard behaved.

Walking pass Chen, Jin went back to work, he started rearranging the meeting schedules while making phone calls.

The lab

At the laboratory, sister Fei finally got accepted as the assistant to Dr Xoa Luang ( Lanz friend the scientists) she is super excited, because Dr Xoa has been awarded several gold medals for his scientific achievements in the country, and now she gets to be one of his work assistant, its really is a dream come true, and now she can start working on her project of developing a drug that can change the existence of gender barrier forever.

Sister Fei was seated in her seat waiting for Dr Xoa when, the handsome grey eyes scientist walked in, she smiled and greeted him, trying so hard to keep her excitement in check.

Dr Xoa, smiled back before returning to his professional mood, his secretary reminded him that he has press conference, this morning then a meeting with the land military general and then a business meeting with one of their partners.

Dr Xoa collected the file for the conference, while walking to the conference hall he started going through the file, just to remind himself what the press conference is about, after all Dr Xoa is one of the richest scientists in the whole country and he is born and raised in X city, his career started when he was in college.

And coupled with his looks and relationship status being single, he is popular with both men and women, and also his best friend is the vice chairman of the stock market in the whole country, who is known other Fu Lanziz, the CEO of the Fu industries and Co.

In the scientific community Xoa is the alpha and the leading head, his companies make the most used drugs in the entire country, in fact he has other companies out of the country.

Today's conference, Xoa will be announcing the introduction of a new heat suppressant for omega's, in other to protect the omega's from being attacked during their heat.

Sister Fei is living everything she has dreamed of even more than she has planned, this could be the best day of her life.