It not just about hate

After administration of some injections, the actor seems to be stable,

Now laid on a comfortable bed in the resting room of Chenxi's office.

The doctor came out and of course he meet Chenxi ready for report on his little brother,

Fanxi might look tough but the young man actually has a very weak body, though he tried so many things to improve his composure, but it seems not to be working

Looking at the alpha any one could tell he was completely blaming him self for what is happening,

The doctor looked up at the alpha before saying; I know you want to help him but there is nothing you could do all he wants to do is live a free life, doing what he always dreams of.

It nothing serious, he took a higher dosage than usual and your hormones were kinda strong on him..., I also think he over dose in other to hide his identity better.

Chenxi looked at the doctor though not fully convinced but, he couldn't help but believe what the doctor also said.

Back at the villa

Shan got back just as the omega was about to leave for a meeting, the two exchanged greetings and set time to discuss more serious matters later, as soon as the omega left Shan picked up some papers and headed back too, they might be mafia but they are but busy men.

Today is a big day for sister Fei as their company will be introducing a new drug to the market, though for the company this is a big move for more money in their account but for sister Fei, this is her ticket to achieving her goal and one way to helping Dou zi get revenge.

Today Dou zi's meetups with the shareholders of the black market was a success, though they don't always agree with each other but they always agree on one thing which is making money.

And yes though today might have been a success, Dou zi wouldn't say it was all the way, the third in command who is known for being spiteful, selfish and corny and to top it up is his number one hater is the leader of the snake gang, formed from the Asian culture,

There leader has a certainly doesn't like Dou zi, and to be honest he is very known for his dirty tricks, he could go to any lengths when it comes to getting what he wants. Though Dou zi is not scared of him but he is always careful around the alpha.

And now more than anything he definitely doesn't want any one meddling with his plans, everything is going perfectly, in other words way to perfect.

And just like that Dou zi received a call from sister Fei, she sounded breathless and in a hurry... the only one Dou zi heard was that Fu Lanzi was kidnap, she also added that the men that took him looked familiar to the Snake gang.

Dou zi drew away the glass in his hands that has the most expensive scourge in. In an angry roar, he said that bastard is fucking messing with me, he really doesn't know who the hell I am does...???? Does he????

No one dares to touch my toy, sister Fei could not help but giggle, oh dear brother could it be that you actually still love and care about mr CEO

Dou zi smiled before saying, it won't be fun to watch other hunters tackle my prey now will it!!

And besides am the one allowed to destroy Lanz, any one else is not welcome, to hate him is not enough to quench my thirst for blood.

The omega stood up from the chair he had been seating on, his aura dangerously scary.

He came out of the home office to meet Jin, who has already gathered the men. Dou zi smiled like the devil before saying time to give back an old favor.
