
Before the omega could collapse, two pairs of strong hands caught him, breathing heavily Dou Zi requests to be taken out of the room immediately.

Back in his room he took his meds and asked Shan to stay out, of course it will be hard for him to stay with another alpha in the condition is finds himself.

Moment like this are why Dou zi hates being an omega, that moment when he can't even resist, when his mind goes black and his body is completely out of his control.

What the hell was he thinking, he had no idea how intense an alpha's rut (heat) is until today.

Back the the alpha's room, Shan went in and of course punch Fu Lanzi right in the guts, before yelling, how fucking dare you touch him??

His hands trembling, of course he is extremely furious at the moment, he knew the alpha couldn't be trusted, but why did Dou zi bring him here?

That omega sure has a lot of guts, he really takes alphas so lightly, Shan drop a sigh while trying to calm himself, just what is that omega thinking, perhaps he forgets that this alpha isn't like any alpha but his fated pair, he has the ability to control him beyond compare.

Though the omega did a lot of training to get here but it's not as simple as it seems.

Fu Lanzi was somehow back to his senses just for a bit, the proud alpha in him wants to kill this alpha right in front of him who took his mate away, but his remains of rationality won't just allow him, fully aware that the omega is in more danger with him than any one else.

Just as the the two alpha battle a silent war of ranging hormones, Dr Xoa arrived at the scene, he meet Shan standing inside the room by the door and Lanzi seating by the bedside with his head down, without even knowing what happened the alpha could tell he arrived a bit late. Rushing to the alpha's side he looked at the alpha somehow his eyes full of worry and concern, before injecting a special suppressants to the alpha's arm. This is a special kind very strong and effective, it was specially designed only for Lanzi, in case he loses control in front of his mate.

Putting on his suit the alpha, asked Dr Xoa to go immediately, but just by looking at his complexion any one could tell that he is suffering.

Xoa Lang looked at the alpha after getting into the car, the only word he could mutter was; am sorry.

The alpha only nodded without saying a word, after all he chose to not trust in his best friends ability five years ago, they could have gone through everything together, but he thought he could protect him by rejecting him instead, and now he regrets it more than anything. The ride back to his mansion was quite, Xoa Lang didn't say anything either.

After the alpha dropped from the car, Xoa said; I will pack and meet you inside, but the alpha immediately said no need, using his hands to wave the doctor, as the walk up the stairs into the mansion. Xoa didn't listen to him of course he knew the alpha will reject his help.

Xoa packed in properly and entered into the mansion only to be greeted by a lot of maid and the old butler, he quickly requested a hot towel and some soup, immediately he said that the butler knew what he wanted, the soup is already made, it just needed to be heated.

Inside the big dull room of the alpha, Lanzi lays on the bed nearly unconscious, it took a lot of will power to walk in by himself, his body shivering, and burning this is just a side effect to his drugs, it been a hassle ever since Dou zi came back to A city but the omega will never know his effect on this alpha.

Its almost unbelievable that the two used to be best buds but now none could look each other in the eyes, the one who suffered the most in their relationship was the alpha who had one sided unrequited love first more than eighteen years.

Xoa could help but pity the alpha, no one seems to know the burden he carries and as his friend he really worries for him, and as for that alpha earlier they definitely need to have a talk, thought Xoa Lang.

Back at the villa, sister Fei was more than furious as he walked up to her brother's room, she cannot believe how careless he was, how can he bring his fated pair to be under the same room, it seems like he has no idea when it comes to him endangering himself, she has seen Fu Lanzi's chart and medical report, that guy is no ordinary man, he is one of the strongest alpha's ever known, though his identity is kept a secret from the public. That's why her boss kept using him as his lab rat.

Fei watched her brother lay on the bed and sweating, she already have a little idea what was going on from his since she is her brother's .

Putting a cold towel on his forehead, he lifted all the golden strands of hair that was stuck to his face, with care and worry she scolds him, please don't do anything risky like this again.

Dou zi forced a smile and respond, saying he is fine, it not possible for him to die before getting his revenge, after all every is finally in place and the next pace of their plan is about to begin.