It's all about family

a day ago the gang was attacked and they were all not prepared, what socks the most was Dz wasn't there to be able to take care of his men, the men that his boss entrusted in his care that he will take charge and protect them under his leadership, but because of his body and unregular heats he let them get hurt. about five of his men were dead on the spot, twenty three are heavily enjured and the rest have some minor injuries that are not life threatening.

it was the second day after Doctor Xoa insisted that he remained in the hospital under his care for better observation.

Doc Xoa; "look I know what you are about to say, you want to go back to work as soon as possible and you also have a gang to manage. but you are an omega who is unstable and though you refuse to be Mark I completely understand but working too much is also one of the reasons your body is enducing force heats, and not to mention your alpha is not the normal type"

Xoa was saying every word as a professional but the look in his eyes shows how worried he is.

Dz only turned his face away, remembering how Lanz looked like he was in so much pain, his face is always straight with barely any expression, it seems like he has it rough as a tough alpha. Dz never thought that it could ever be that hard to live as such a strong alpha, after all they are known to have better physique and are much stronger in the society, his alpha type can even change a beta's gender, that's how strong his pheromones are, he can also make any alpha summit to him.

he raised his head to look at Xoa who is still explaining the medical reports; "how is he doing??"

Xoa was caught by surprise in-between explaining the medical report, he glance at the omega who asked him the question, smiling he wondered does that mean that he still cared for the alpha?? afterall they were inseparable back in the days.

Xoa replied; oh you mean your alpha??

Dz was brought back to reality, he was lost in thought and didn't realise that he even asked such a question, clearing his throat he interjected; don't call him my alpha, besides I got my medications and the report why the hell am I still here. he couldn't help but worry about the workload he will have to do after leaving the hospital, this is why he doesn't like visiting the doctor, it was sister Fei that usually takes care of his health but now that she is not around its harder to deal with his heats since his pills started not being effective.

Xoa sighs he actually only kept the omega in other to force him to rest but he wants to go back so badly there is nothing he could do.

however that morning sectary Jin came back in bad shape, Chen was the only left at the hospital yesterday, how ever by morning the gang was attacked by some unknown gang.

Jin enters the private room Dz was kept in, completely our of breath he tried to control himself but the tears started to fall out. Dz panicked getting out of bed to rush towards his secretary, who kept crying and apologising; am so sorry boss, I couldn't do anything, I tried getting in contact with you but there was no response it won't go through, the gang members are all in chaos and injured, it's all my fault I couldn't coordinate them and then the cops came and arrested most of the remaining gang after they found drugs, boss I don't know what to do.

Dz's face kept changing the more Jin talks, so in just one day of his absence, his gang was attacked by some unknown gang and then the police took them in because they found drugs in their possession, how is that possible, Shan isn't around neither is sister Fei, Dz sat down on his bed he was more than furious, is this what it means to get a little shut eye, he was in peace for one day and the entire hell broke loose in his house, first he needs to go back and see how bad is the situation before he can act.

Xoa was standing by the side the whole time not saying a word, he had been noticing the man that walked in, there was blood, but he seems not hurt, he moved towards the man without realising, he grabbed his suit and noticed he was shut at his lower abdominal area, how could his man move when he was shot, Jin grabbed Xoa's hand while saying that he is fine, he need to help his boss find a way to get there gang members out of jail, it won't be easy since they were framed with serious illegal drugs.

Dz picked his jacket and said OK now I get it, I need you take me to meet someone, since my men were all arrested and the dead are also in custody of the police I can't just go directly to meet the law with no evidence, so let's go and becareful they attacked either to kill me directly or to have me framed. I bet it will all be all over the news, the big boss is not going to like this.

Jin stood up ready to follow Dz but Chen grabbed him and said; why do you keep insisting to follow us, you have been shut and you will due from poisoning or lost of blood, Dz looked at the omega, he looked hurt and tired, he wondered how he escaped the police, and he was shut. placing his hands on the omega he smiled gently; don't worry who ever is responsible I will make sure they don't get away, no one hurts my family and gets away it. Jin smiled relieved, though before he knew what was happening his eyes went blurry and in matter of seconds he fainted, Chen picked him up and placed him on the bed, Dz turned to Xoa; please save him he is a very important person to me, losing him will be unbearable, Dz walked towards the door with Chen following behind him, he halt his steps and with out turning back, his back facing the doctor he said; I can trust you right?? Xoa was not expecting that question, but he replied anyway, yes you can trust me, I will do my best.

Dz smiled though the doc didn't see it.

DZ called Gecko to meet him up, he needs all the people he can trust, how is it possible that his gang will be arrested for drugs, the gang leader hates drugs and guns, though the are a yakuza but they are not violent thugs with no direction but like a family, the old man wants to protect the gang that's why he though of dissolving it, so instead he changed the family business to be legal, he doesn't want his men to lose their jobs and he also wants to protect his daughter and that's why the gang is forbidden from dealing with drugs.