are we sharing a room

After the court order, Dz came back home though he seems to be lost in thought, this is the second day, the omega couldn't go to any of the office, but works at home instead. sighing he picked up his tea but couldn't drink it, he was just holding it in his hands while starring at the space, Jin was helping him pack, all his clothes as the court order said he should move in as soon as possible, the sooner he get this over with the earliest he will get a divorce, but he could have never thought that Lanzi would get him this good, that alpha seemed so gentle and quite all the time, but who knew that this kinds of things and plans are what he always come up with. even Dz who thinks he knew him well, never saw this coming. it's like the alpha is always ahead of him. just like back in high school.many years agothinking back through my high-school days, they were really happy moment for me, I know my dad adored me then and always tries to spoil me, that why even when I requested that he changed my school when I was starting high school, he totally agreed without hesitation, which makes my life much easier because I was not in the same school as my big sister anymore, she was two years older than me anyway, and there is a saying that girls mature faster than boys, but even though my sister grew faster than me it never stopped her from bullying me.Dz smiled; well I can't believe I thought that was her way of showing her love to me.oh wow I must have been pretty dense back then to think that, well speaking of love, I never even got the chance to confess my love to that high-school crush of mine, sadly she fell for boring Lanzi instead, who in turn fell for me!!though back then alot of girls wanted to go out with me, but I never saw it that way, back then Lanzi will be like; that girl is In love with you, and I did be like no way, it kept happening that every girl he thinks likes me ends up confessing, it was getting old so I never argued with him on such matters, speaking of which , there was a beta always hanging around with Lanzi at that time but I can't seem to know where he is or where he is though he kinda gives the same vibes as doctor Xoa, though they are different people with different names, plus that beta doesn't wear glasses like the doctor.Sir...sir are you OK???Dz was brought out of his trance, how long has he been spaced out?? he turned to look at Jin who has a worried look on his face and the omega asked; are you feeling alright sir??huh! Dz smiled; trying to look OK, it seem his secretary is worried sick for his sake, it's understandable since they agreed that Jin will stay with the gang to take care of things while Chen will follow the boss, Jin only agreed because it was his boss's idea and he has no choice but he will be separated from the two men who he held dear to his heart.Dz looked at Jin, he was folding his fingers, it seems like he wants to say something but wouldn't dare to, Dz asked instead; hey is there something wrong? Jin seemed startled but didn't say anything, his cheek seems pink, wait is he blushing!!!! Dz was taken aback so he asked, are you perhaps in love with someone???Now the secretary seems even worst, Dz was now shock, he actually said that earlier just to tease him but he didn't think that was the case!!! Well he was just remembering his high school crush earlier and feeling sad that he never get to confess maybe this man should also confess before it's late for him, thinking about it more clearly, Jin is also an omega so the person he likes should probably be an alpha right, oh no could he be in love with me, no way though If I had to say, I can't blame him, afterall I'm totally hot and am aslo cool but it won't make any sense I am also an omega so it's a no go right???Jin is so flustered he even had no idea his boss was just siting there thinking of the funniest scenarios. before Dz could continue to think of more crap in his head, Jin said; I know it's not my place to say this, but please take care of Chen for me!that was it, how could Dz not notice this before, so Chen was the alpha huh, and Jin is just sad because am taking Chen with me, and leaving him behind, oh no does that mean am the one in the way of their love!!Dz puts a hand on his cheek like he was thinking before saying, oh no should I take another bodyguard instead of Chen, I mean he is good at his job but the guy is quite anyway so I think anyone will do, I totally don't mind!but hey wait a second does that mean you two have been dating without me even realising??Jin looked at his boss but starts to laugh instead; oh come on, Chen is totally on a different level, plus I never even got the courage to confess anyway, plus I don't think he is interested in that kind of stuff, even if he is, am not even the cute type, am more of the boring type. Dz was baffled, chuckling he said, that's not true, you are totally cute, plus when you let your hair down you look totally different, it just you are too serious for your own good, plus you are really good at hiding your feelings I would have never thought you are into the stoned faced Chen, honestly am impressed, I look forward to when you will confess your feelings.Jin smiled like he found courage and said yes sir, oh by the way, you should drop the tea cup, its time for you to get going, your work are clearing up, and we also found a suitable candidate for the ceo position in the company, the manager from affairs seems hardworking and responsible so you can be rest assured, this will be a good opportunity to get closer to your goal, it will work out in our favour at last.Chen drove Dou zi with two other gang Members that followed in a separate car, at the mansion, the other gang Members had their own apartment and Chen too, Dou zi could help but admire the interior decor of the house, it's almost like every thing is to his liking, his father's company deals with architectural and buildings it was his dreams, but he studied business instead based on his father's request but he has never for once stopped admiring good architectural design and decor.his room was on the first floor, there was a study in the second floor and ground floor, a library on the first floor, so Dou zi request to use the library as his study, since its on the same floor as his room, however, he had no idea that his room is next door to the alpha. because when he arrived Fu Lanzi was not around, instead one of the house maids name Ruidehimei was in charge of taking care of him as a personal maid, she was a beta but has features like an omega, she was as cute as a doll, she had light purple hair and blue eyes. she was so nice that Dz couldn't help being comfortable around her.around dinner, the alpha was back, honestly Dz was angry, he couldn't help but wonder the nerves that alpha has to not be present on the first day he arrived, at the dinner table it was so quite but not in a comfortable manner, it was so awkward that there was only two of them on the table, the food was actually good but Dz couldn't really enjoy it as he thought he would, he can't explain the feelings he is feeling at that moment but in all honesty he thinks that he is probably scared, after all it is now that he realised that they are not the same anymore, if Lanzi decides to go crazy on him, his raw strength will be nothing against a special alpha like him. though he is good at combat and self defence but is it really OK for him to be here, he kinda feel like he is in the lions den.he didn't realise that he wasn't eating anymore, so Lanzi asked, are you going to bed early?huh? oh yeah, am thanks for the meal, I have some work I have to go through so am heading in first.he stood up from the dinner table and heads upstairs, but he couldn't help but feel like the alpha is right behind him, before he could open his door he turned to ask; hey say, why are you following me, do you perhaps think that we will be sleeping in the same room? I mean I agreed to stay in the same house but I don't think we can ever have that kind of relationship.the alpha was quite, then he flash out one of his cutest smiles, ok that is funny, I know I offended you in the past, but it doesn't mean I want to force you or anything, point at the next door he said; I actually just happen to live next door to you that's all.for the first time in five years, Dz was so ashamed and embarrassed, he opened his door and slams it, though to any one he might look like he is angry but for the alpha who has known him for years knew that he was nothing but embarrassed. Well isn't that just too cute. it seems like his dream is finally coming true, he will be living together with Dz his childhood crush isn't this a dream come true. that night in rooms next to each other one was able to sleep so well while the other was too nervous to even sleep a wink, we both know who that was.