Dou zi was kidnapped

It has only been a hour since Lanzi left Dou zi's side, but now the omega is no where to be found.

Fanxi called Lanzi, he sounded breathless on the phone; ah brother Lanzi am sorry, I don't know what happened, a doctor came in and there was gas and when I woke up ...gone, they put me to sleep!!!! Am so sorry, he got taken away. Maybe they lure you out in order to take him, but who would stood so low as to kidnapped a patient.

DAMMIT DAMMIT how could this happened. Lanzi entered his car and came back to the hospital, the news of Dz been taken has already spread and Xoa knew that Fu Lanzi will have his head on a plate if anything happens to his wife. They went through the footage but the person that took Dz had a mask on and his identity cannot be seen.

How is it impossible to notice that a man been taken out of the hospital. The alpha rushed into the room in disbelief, he checked the bed and the bathroom but the omega is really no were to be found. He ran his fingers through his hair, it impossible, he loved and cared for Dz that he did rather bond the omega to him than let him go, he will stop at nothing to make the omega his, but why is that when ever he finds a way to keep the omega, the whole world seems to find its way in separating.

For the next twenty four hours they checked surveillance system with in the city but the result were the same, it has been more than a day and yet there is no news.

A few months ago

Shan has infiltrated the snake's gang as an ally in other to get dirt and evidence on snake before turning them over to the authorities, but sadly Feng joined the alliance, that alpha was supposed to be the first In command in the gang, and the two gang doesn't get along so could Feng be betraying the gang. With Feng in the picture it became harder to convince snake and now that the final moments have come for him to get them arrested they took Dz, Shan has to hold up his mission, if they know he is a double agent and working for the FbI, then they might kill Dz.

So now he has to make sure that Dz is alive no matter what. He knew their secret base is, so he went there the moment Lanzi told him to check who took Dz, he knew snake wanted the omega dead, but Feng on the other hand just want to have more power, and that also means that Dz has to be out of the picture.

Dressed in his black leather jacket and black jeans, Shan looked like your typical everyday villain, he arrived in a nice black sport car, giving the vibe of a pampered, rich boy, he needs to keep up the acts in order to win there trust. Even though he loved to gamble with big money, at the same time it means he did lose big too, and currently he has lost slot of money and will do anything to have some cash.

On arrival he meet Feng in the lounge, the alpha was sitting leisurely on a big couch holding a glass of Scotch whiskey in his hands, while two female omegas with big breast dressed In slutty sexy customs play with him.

He looked like your typical bad guy enjoying a good time. Hey he raised his glass to Shan who just walked in; hey pretty boy, today is a perfect night. With who I got today....I don't even think I need the gang anymore, with enough money from that little bastard who took everything away from me.....hmm, I can start my own drug business and make more money, don't you agree???

With the connection between me and snake I could get drugs into the country without a worry, though I do plan to go back to country C and get back the gang, but for now I want to strip that little bastard of all his money, so I took him with me, I bet that his secretary Jin Is busy panicking. I will be asking for all the deeds for his new casino and hotel the entire building picked my interests.

Oh I see, so thats the plan huh??? But if you want my opinion you will get better opportunities if you target Fu Lanzi, because that alpha is among the ten most richest business men alive, and he is second in position, even though its not world wife but for country A, he is still loaded and he also happened to be Dz's alpha, they are even married you know. Plus the alpha will do anything for his dear little wife, so how about we give him a call by tomorrow, besides this is going to be the easiest cash ever made.

So with that in mind, Shan also allow one of the girls to pour him a glass of Scotch to celebrate, because they will be rich when tomorrow comes.

You know I had my doubts about you before Shan, but now I believe you are one of us, snake will be happy to know that we have Dz.