I won't let you go

It's been two days since Dz's spa sessions, he looked lively and not so defensive against the alpha, every morning they have breakfast today while eating in silent, but despite no one speaking it's a still and comfortable atmosphere, Fu Lanzi couldn't help but brag to his only friend Xoa about hus current development with Dz, "he doesn't hate me as much as he used to, that enough makes me happy"

Hearing what the alpha said, Xoa felt a sense of reassurance and husband friend is going to be OK, he has always found Dz to be a very controlling person, but it seems like he us the only one who thinks so, after discussing business as usual Xoa reminded the alpha of his up coming rut,

" based on your chart and results of your tests, your heat will start in two days Time, and Dz also seems to have a close time as yours, I advise you leave very soon, infact if possible tomorrow"!!

Fu Lanzi was not expecting his heat to be so close, and he has alot of work to catch up to after the launch, he got more investors scheduling meeting and dinner to discuss partnership. So he can't afford to leave now, trying to reason with Xoa he asked; isn't there a way you can delay thus, I really have it tight with so much to do, and as of your brother I haven't heard from him,

Xoa replied; no you can't do that, I know you have work but I won't let you risk ut, Dz us Currently staying with you, and ge will be in danger, you could hurt him, remeber why you distant your self from him all this years, it will be futile if you attack him or show him that scare part of you, remember he is finally opening up to you, so don't mess it up, that's all I will say for now, besides I don't need to remind you that you are a special alpha unlike the rest. Oh by the way wish me luck am finally asking Fei to be my girl. Smiling Xoa hear the deep calming voice of the alpha; Good luck!!

As soon as the phone call ended, Fu Lanzi called in hus secretary; arrange all the documents that need immediate attention, cancel all my dinner plans for a week, and those that I can have a video call with, arrange them, I will be going to the private island tomorrow, please make the necessary arrangements.

The next morning, Dz woke up to have breakfast with the alpha but he wasn't around, he didn't think much of it since they eat today every day, but then it continued for two days, the alpha was not at the breakfast nor dinner table, feeling frustrated, the omega asked and the butler told him that his master has travelled to his private island where he spend hus rut, since the butler didn't mention if the alpha was alone or accompanied, Dz got angry so he took a flight to the island, whatever it is that Fu Lanzi is hiding it won't go unseen.

To everyone, they thought dz hated fu Lanzi, some think he wants revenge or to take away all his properties but Dou zi true intentions had been hidden even to his friend Shan or his sister Fei, the truth is he had been in love with Fu Lanzi since the beginning and he had been infatuated with his childhood friend, Fu Lanzi, for as long as he could remember. Their bond was inseparable until one fateful day when Fu Lanzi abruptly abandoned him on the wedding alter without an explanation. Crushed and betrayed, Dou zi spent the next five years consumed by a single obsession: winning Fu Lanzi back, making the alpha want nothing but him.

He meticulously plotted and schemed, manipulating every opportunity to gain Fu Lanzi's trust once more. But the alpha was worried when they met again that Dz hated him, so the gap between them lengthen, Dou zi's actions grew increasingly sinister as he delved deeper into his obsession. All yet not showing his true intentions, he wanted the alpha to suffer, to feel guilty for betraying him, he was torn between his feelings when the alpha told him that he had loved him since their childhood, but he still hated him and himself for getting carried away by his hate, He wanted to isolated Fu Lanzi from his friends and family, gradually monopolizing him, taking his time and attention until Fu Lanzi had no one else but Dou zi. But he soon realised that the alpha actually had no one to call his own, his family was broken long ago, and his only friend is Xoa, so the only thing Fu Lanzi cared for is his business, nothing else matters, so he plans to take away all his company, and destroy all his hard work, but it was proven to be so hard.

Soon he found out about their marriage on paper, which work in his favor, he took the alpha to court fully awre that the marriage couldn't be dissolved but he wanted to keep his appearance that he despise and hated the alpha, only he knows that With each passing day, his grip on Fu Lanzi's heart tightened, suffocating him in a web of manipulation and control. Fu Lanzi's once calmed spirit will dulled under Dou zi's possessive hold, that he will soon be trapped too trapped to escape.

In the end, Dou zi's desperate quest for love twisted into a dark, suffocating prison for Fu Lanzi, where he was bound to Dou zi's side for eternity, unable to break free from the chains of manipulation and obsession. That was what he wanted, and he would do anything so that Fu Lanzi doesn't escape him