Chapter 13: Bazaar

In the morning, like usual we wake up, take a bath then eat our breakfast. But today we are not gonna practice. Instead, we are going to the bazaar.

"Really!? Jovan, we are going to bazaar!?", said Nyaromon excitedly.

"Bazaar, Yay!!! we are going to the bazaar!", said Tanemon also excited.

"Yeah, today we are going to Bazaar, So get ready.", I said to the both of them.

"But, Jovan, what is bazaar??", suddenly Tanemon asked.

Hearing this Nyaromon looked at me too.

Looking at both of them, I am speechless then what are you celebrating for before but I still explain to them.

"Bazaar is a place to play. There are so many games on there. There is also a Digimon battle but you must be child level to be able to participate in it. So we will pass it. I bring you to the bazaar is to play not fighting after all.", I said to both of them.

"Oh, I see, then let's go.", said Tanemon.

"What are you waiting for? let's go.", as for Nyaromon she is already ready and waiting in front of the door.

"Okay, then let's go.", then we get out, lock the door house and go to the bazaar.

We take a taxi to go to the bazaar because it is quite far and takes 30 minutes to go there by taxi. On the way here, we see there are so many decorations that got hung on the side of the road.

Then we arrive at the bazaar, there are already so many people in there. We are waiting in line at the gate to get in.

After waiting in line for a while, we are going to go in, "Excuse me, One ticket for a human, and two tickets for Digimon, please." I said to the gatekeeper who selling a ticket while showing my identity card.

"You just need to pay for yourself, because baby Digimon is free to go to this bazaar.", said the gatekeeper after looking at my card.

"Okay, sir here is money.", and then I give the money to the gatekeeper.

"Then this is your ticket.", after the gatekeeper handing a ticket I am going in.

After going in, I am releasing my two Digimons. "Whoaa, so this is a bazaar, so many people.", said Nyaromon curiously. While Tanemon got panic and go into my arms.

"Okay, okay, it is okay Tanemon there is me on here. Don't worry.", I said while comforting Tanemon in my arms.

"Yeah, it is okay Tanemon. Let's go, today we are gonna play many games.", said Nyaromon encouraging Tanemon.

In the end, Tanemon is still afraid and Nyaromon got jealous. So I have to bring both of them in my arms.

"Hey, hey, Jovan what is that?" "Hot dog stall" "That?" "Ball throw stall" "That?" "Cotton candy stall" On the way Nyaromon who is curious asks so many questions while Tanemon is silent watching.

"Jovan, let's play that.", hear Nyaromon I subconsciously look at the game that she points to. "Gulp, o-okay, let's go.", well, she pointed at the roller coaster which is the scariest one in this bazaar's games.

Honestly, I am a little afraid, but seeing the eager Nyaromom even expectations eyes from Tanemon. How could I refuse it, my digimon's brave how can the owner be a coward? So I go with them to play this roller coaster.

After I play this roller coaster, I swear I will never play this anymore. Because of this game, my soul almost goes out of my body.

Then, we are going to play the other games until the afternoon. But, when we are gonna go home suddenly there is a crowd in front of the store. In curious, I go there.