The audience's cheers filled the entire arena stands after the announcement of the individual matches.

In the middle of the arena again, a loud voice caught everyone's attention, "Let's see the number of participants that will be competing on the big board of the west stand!" he shouted.

1 Vs 60. 7 Vs 54. 13 Vs 48. 19 Vs 42

2 Vs 59. 8 Vs 53. 14 Vs 47. 20 Vs 41

3 Vs 58. 9 Vs 52. 15 Vs 46. 21 Vs 40

4 Vs 57. 10 Vs 51. 16 Vs 45. 22 Vs 39

5 Vs 56. 11 Vs 50. 17 Vs 44. 23 Vs 38

6 Vs 55. 12 Vs 49. 18 Vs 43. 24 Vs 37

25 Vs 36. 28 Vs 33

26 Vs 35. 29 Vs 32

27 Vs 34. 30 Vs 31

You can see the numbers that have been printed on the big board. All the participants who saw this kept silent because they didn't know what number to get or who to face.

Di Libai, who noticed the confused looks from the participants, reached into his shirt pocket and took out things, "You guys! Take this", he said, shouting a little while throwing a wooden plate with the participant's number written on it.