What is going on


Work has been long and hard. Needing some time off, finally, my time off request was accepted. Taking two weeks off and doing nothing. Laying on my futon, with a beer. Taking out my phone and going to bingo. Sometimes I hate this game, but I like that I can talk to people. Going into my favorite slot room, "Pillar Heist."


Savannah: Good luck everyone.

Karl: You too.

Savannah: Thank you (smiley face)

Karl: Hey Savannah. Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine?

Savannah: lol

Karl: Because you look like a snack.

Savannah: (blushing face)

Ede: Has anyone seen Dolly Bea?

Karl: No, haven't seen her.

Lacy: No, the drama queen has not been in here.

Eda: Stop being rude.

Lacy: I'm not. It's the truth.

Savannah: She hasn't been in here, Eda.

Lacy is here. She is telling the truth. When Dolly was coming into this room, she keeps calling Randy her husband and other crap. Dolly always started fights with other women. She kept thinking everyone was after Randy. Taking a sip from my beer and spilling a little of it. Getting up and going to the kitchen for a straw. Watching chat and loving how Lacy stands her ground. She is so cute. I want to know what she really looks like.


Karl: Hi Lacy.

Lacy: Get lost, Karl.

Savannah: Lacy, if you're going to be rude, just leave.

Lacy: If you don't like it, you leave. You don't own this room or this game.

Karl: It's how Lacy shows her love, Savannah.

Lacy: You wish Karl.

Yes, I do Lacy.

Sadly, Lacy just left the room, or she stopped talking. Playing a little, but the room got stale. Telling everyone goodbye and them saying the same. After logging off the game, I got up and got more beer. It was noon when I woke up. Passing out every night is normal, getting up and heading to the bathroom. After peeing and washing my hands, I left the bathroom. Going into the kitchen to get something to eat. Grabbing a bowl and some sugary cereal. Going to the fridge to get some milk, open the door to find out I don't have any milk. Leaving everything where it is so I can go get milk. Getting dressed and heading to the nearest gas station. After getting home and eating, I went back to the bingo game. Going back into the slot rooms, something caught my eye. Eda said that Dolly was murdered, that she was friends with Dolly on Facing Book, and Dolly's family told everyone there that she was murdered. Eda said she doesn't know how Dolly was killed, but she was.

Few days have passed, and more people said that two other women from this game were killed. No one was saying how, which I understand why. Lacy popped in and asked if I was here. Heart racing, she wanted to talk to me.


Karl: Yeah, I'm here.

Lacy: I want to talk to you in private.

Giving her my Facing Book information. Is this real or is she teasing me?

Lacy: Ok, I will find you and add you there.

Karl: Ok I will wait for the request.

Few minutes went by, still nothing. After an hour, a friend request popped up. I think it is her, accepting it and going to message her.


Karl: Lacy from Busters Bingo, right?

Lacy: Yes moron. I must talk to you.

Karl: Oh, you love me that much; you gave me a nickname.

Lacy: Karl, if you don't stop, I will block your stupid ass.

Karl: I was kidding. What's up?

Lacy: Don't you find it odd that all these women from the game have been killed?

Karl: I guess.

Lacy: I think someone from the game is doing it.

Karl: What makes you think it sounds stupid?

Lacy: Ok, a couple of months ago, a man followed me to the parking lot of my work. The next day on the news a woman named Sally was killed and when I went to bingo, I saw the man that followed me. I also saw him talking to Sally and Dolly.

Karl: It could be just a coincidence.

Lacy: I don't think it is Karl!

Karl: Ok, who is the man?

Lacy: Randy.

Come to think of it, she is right. Dolly was talking to Randy. But that does not mean he did anything.

Karl: But that doesn't mean he has done anything.

Lacy: Will you monitor him with me, Karl? Please!

Karl: Ok, love I will just for you.


Karl: Come on, it was funny.

Lacy: No, it's not.

Karl: What took you so long to friend me?

Lacy: had to make an account.

Karl: LOL. Why do you have no pictures?

Lacy: Karl, Just stop!

Karl: Ok, ok. What should I do if I see Randy?

Lacy: See who he is talking to and tell them to stay away from him.

Karl: Ok honey bunny.

Lacy: This was a bad idea. I'm leaving now. I need some migraine pills. You gave me a migraine!

Karl: Ok, talk to you soon. Take care and don't worry, I will keep Randy away from you.

Lacy: It's not me that I'm worried about. It is the other women.

Lacy logged off after that. After thinking about everything she has said, I decided to go back to bingo. Going into the slot rooms, waiting for Randy, some time went by, still nothing. Deciding to get off and go get a beer and a burger from the bar. Going back to Facing Book, there Lacy added a picture of herself. She is beautiful, but she looks like she doesn't care about her looks. Looking through her friends, I'm the only one. That makes me happy, but also sad. Is she alone? Does she not have any family or friends? Well, she did say she just made the account so, maybe she didn't add anyone yet. Looking at her picture as I ate, when done at the bar, I went home. Flopping down on the futon, needing to sleep. Tomorrow is another lonely day.