Counter Plan

"Okay boys things didn't work out!", those words from Shin made the whole flow of the conversation change, strong words without much emotion, he thought that as things didn't work out, he just needs to go all out.

The double door opens brutally, turning his head to check what happened, Edward saw two men, one of them was the one responsible for smashing the door open with a font kick, while the other one was holding a knife and dashing toward him.

In the middle of this mess, Luke took a fighting stance guarding the door, so if Edward tries to run away he can catch him.

Seeing the man swing his knife toward him, Edward dodged his attack easily while stepping backward with an impressive move, without giving his opponent time to grasp what happened and react, he grabbed the man's arm that was holding the knife with his left hand, and with his right elbow, he landed a hit at the opponent arm.


With a fast and strong hit, the man dropped his knife and let out a loud scream, he held his right arm from the pain and fell to his knees.

Landing a perfect hit, Edward took a couple of steps backward, fixing his eyes on the man who kicked the door that was dashing forward, he crouched on his knees and went to his left ankle trying to get something out.

After grabbing what looks like a small gun that was under his pants, he quickly aimed and shot a bullet at the man that running toward him.


"Shit!.." he missed his shot, the man surprisingly survived, the bullet grazed him but didn't hit him at all, leaving him in a shocking state.

but Edward's reflexes were on another level, after missing he immediately turned to the suitcase that he brought with him, without too much thinking he shot the suitcase with two bullets.

Shotting a standing still object Edward definitely won't miss, he landed a perfect hit, suddenly the powder that was inside the suitcase scattered around the room like a small smoke bomb.


The smoke wasn't big, it was just to mess with the sight of the men that were in the room, which is exactly what it did and giving Edward the ability to do his next attack.

The other men like Shin and Luke didn't get any chance to react, it happened quickly for them to understand what Edward did and why. This is what we call experience.

Edward didn't stand still, he suddenly turned his head to face Shin and dashed forward toward him.

Seeing a wild man trying to attack his boss, Luke struggled for a moment then he rushed toward Edward so he can catch him.

With a huge body, Luke can only dream about catching Edward, he was slow compared to Edward that was moving smoothly and quickly.

Shin was in shock at how things turned out, in shin's head Edward turned the table and now with the gun, he has the high ground here, Edward was running toward him but he couldn't react or attack or anything, he froze thinking about how his plans failed.

Seeing that Shin didn't react at all, Edward took this golden chance and took Shin as a hostage, he seized his neck with his left arm and pointed his gun at Shin's head.

Shin has a good build, he has muscles, Edward thought that he would react or at least attack back at him, but he didn't move at all like he was inviting Edward, that act put Edward back a little bit thinking that it was a trap, but he couldn't think of a way that he could escape this situation.

"Now we can relax a bit, I didn't want things to be like this, but you're the one who started it", Edward was out of breath, doing these sudden moves without warming up he got tired quickly.

The room went silent, Shin and the rest of the gang members had a troubled look on their faces, admitting that Edward has won and their lives are under his mercy.

"Drop your weapons so we can talk, if you try to do something funny just say goodbye to your boss!" breathing heavily Edward said with a smug look.




Luke making a desperate look was about to rush to his boss to help him, but Edward didn't like it so without any hesitation he shot Luke's ankle.

The shot landed perfectly letting Luke scream and holding his ankle, with this he was no longer able to move freely.

"I knew that you will try to do this, now we can talk!", Edward said "I am a bad businessman but I know how to kill bugs like you!".

"You got us really good, but how?" Shin mumble in a quiet voice, he was smiling awkwardly at the situation, all he wanted to know is how it turned out like this.

"You asking me how?", Edward had a puzzled look at Shin's question, he closed his eyes and went "Nah man, don't ask me, ask your bodyguard to do his job correctly next time, He took my gun, but he didn't search well for anything else, You guys lack experience and acting like a big gang or mafia".

Hearing what he said, Luke bit his lips ashamed of what he did, neglecting his job led to this whole situation, he couldn't face Shin and look at him in the eyes, he looked at the ground without saying a word.

"B-but did you know that it was going to end like this?"

"I wasn't certain, but I am not dumb to come here without tricks in my sleeves, right?"

"B-but but!", Shins wasn't satisfied with these answers, he knew that this wasn't all, Shin from the start was sure that nothing will go wrong, he had the perfect plan, it wasn't the smartest plan but he was confident about it.

The fact that a man not doing his job correctly led to his outcome left Shin dumbfounded, he glanced at his bodyguard that was looking at the ground ignoring the conversation, then he looked at the others, both of them were on the edge and angry.

"Since I don't have much time left I'm just going to say this!" Edward said closing his eyes "I'm not smart or anything, I can't do my tasks properly, all I could do is fight a little bit, but I'm not the best, with that I'm still better than you, you are sharp I can give you that, but what led to this is the fact that you are full of yourself!"

"W-what do you mean by that? I'm full of myself, how is that?" biting his lips Shin said with a hesitant voice.

"See? you are aware of that already!" reading his facial expressions Edward knew that he was right on the money.

To put it in other words, Shin thinks that he is above everyone, that funny considering that he is the boss of an unnamed gang, but the fact that he looks down on everyone else is right, even Shin knows that.

From the moment Edward stepped inside this gang base he noticed that the building was luxurious, those painting cost a lot, and the doors and carpet were fancy and expensive, he only confirmed that when he entered this room.

He also realized that this building was empty, he climbed to the last floor and didn't see anyone only his bodyguard Luke and two more after he was entering the room, for a base that doesn't have security the boss must be brainless.

Meeting Shin, interacting with him and seeing the way he talks and treats his opponent was the last piece of the puzzle.

Wasting money on things that don't matter for the sake of luxury, and leaving a base without security were brainless acts, but the last nail in the coffin was the fact that Shin wasn't able to think forward far enough.

Shin was leading this conversation from the start, the way he acts and talks make it clear to Edward that making a deal wasn't the plan from the start, he was focused on his plans and didn't think that his opponent also has backup plans for the worst.

Although Shin was sharp and he was able to read Edward's thoughts and facial expressions, that was it, he led the meeting to this state with his own hands, he didn't think of other variables that could change, and Edward's hidden gun was one of them.

Shin didn't blame Luke. Yes, he didn't do his job correctly but it was Shin's fault for not teaching his men and setting back up plans.

"I'm not here to babysit you, so I'm gonna be kind and ask you for the money!" Edward wanted to end this, he asked for the money that was agreed on.

"In the closet on the right." with a dead face Shin told him the money location quietly, From the way he was speaking he also wanted to end this, he got himself in a lot of trouble.

Pointing at one of the men that broke into the room he said "You, bring it to me quickly, and open it for me to check the money!".

The man looked at Shin's eyes getting his permission, then he did what Edward told him, he got the case out of the closet, opened it, and showed it to Edward to confirm that money was legit.

Edward took a brief look at the money, didn't find anything wrong with it, he looked at the other guy and said "and you, get the suitcase and follow me both".

Since he got a hostage, Edward decided to take both money and the suitcase back with him, why not? Since they throw away the deal he was free to do what he wants now, it was the winner's booty.

Leading the way while still taking Shin hostage, he left the room gesturing to the other men to follow him, they didn't have any other option so they did what they were told, it was for their safety, and their boss's safety.

Leaving the injured Luke behind, they went to the first floor without saying a word, Shin still had dead expressions all over his face, he was lost in his own mind.

When they arrived at the entrance he told both men to leave the suitcase and the money case at the entrance, and go back to the other end of the hallway, again there was no room for objection, they just obeyed his orders and went to the other side.



Without any hints, Edward shot Shin's ankle as he did to Luke, Shin let out a screech from pain, and he fell to his knees unable to move.

Seeing their boss in pain, both men dashed forward trying to save their boss, Edward didn't stand still and grabbed the gun that was on the table, the same gun that Luke seized before the meeting.

Pointing each gun at both men, Edward said "Can we chill for a moment, he will survive, just stay in your place, okay?", he had a pissed look, and that sentence made both of them stop in their place.

-- if that bodyguard took this gun it was going to be another story.

Continuing what he was about to do, he grabbed the lighter that was on the table, also the same lighter that he was holding on before the meeting, he went "Let me tell you something additional about our product, It catches fire quickly!"

He took the lighter and set the suitcase on fire, the powder that was in there made a huge blast, Using this as a source of fire, the red carpet was set on flames that quickly spread around the building.

This was Edwards's plan after the negotiations failed, he believed that this gang is dangerous to be left alone. If he destroys their base they fell off, so when they try to spread the rumors about the Fang company dealing with drugs and stuff, they won't have any credibility so no one will believe them.

Yes killing them is another solution, but he was ordered to avoid killing because that won't solve anything, this will only let light on the whole situation. True, setting fire will also be a big thing in the news, but not like finding four gang members dead, so he took the option with fewer damages.

"I don't think this is the last time I'll see you, Shin, good luck next time we meet!", he took back his phone while holding the money case he left Shin with those words.

Those words woke up Shin from his pain, he let out a smirk while holding his leg "I'll cut your head off, wait for me !".

"I'll look forward to that!", smiling back at Shin he said then he immediately left without taking the car. If he took the car he will be tracked easily, so going by foot was the best plan.

Both men weren't able to move since that fire has been spreading rapidly, so they just watched Edward leave them back burning alive, but they had to save the boss, so they took a detour and entered one of the rooms where the fire didn't reach, they jumped out of the windows.

They thought about following the man, but saving the boss was more important, they dashed into the fire to get Shin out of it, Shin couldn't move, but the fire didn't reach him, He was lucky because with that they saved him easily.

"AFTER HIM!!!", Shin shouted telling them to follow Edward that was nowhere to be seen, both men had a puzzled look on their faces.

"B-but boss, what about Luke, and your injury?", they were right, Luke was still on the fourth floor injured with no ability to move, and also Shin was not in a better situation.

"I'll call Ben for help, and Luke could take care of himself!".

They hesitated for a moment, but they just took the boss's word for it, so they took their leave and start searching for Edward.

Shin took a deep breath, and processed what did happen today, he was beaten, humiliated, injured, lost his base, and his status around the city.

Thinking of that, he was angry, sad, and shocked, those are valid emotions that Shin would have, holding his heart trying to stop it from beating this quickly, today he felt something he didn't feel for a long time.

--Today is an amazing day.

Shin was excited, having a smile from one cheek to the other, he was having fun, he lie down on the ground holding his smile he said "Have fun with the money, I didn't lose anything just yet!!!".