"Let's go now!" Dandrik quickly pulled the two men's hands.

People panicked when they saw the silver sword. A loud shout roared in the sky as everyone sprinted their way out.

Carter immediately nodded as they ran away from the scene. He was sure that it would cause chaos. It seems like the PeterPack man was truly angry for whatever reason.

"I can't believe that I saw a level 5 player this early. It's just 2 days!" Joseph uttered in excitement.

Agreeing with it, Carter nodded his head. He was sure that at this rate, Simp_Nation was now dead. He shook his head in disappointment. He should commend the man's name.

Another hero has fallen.

"50 exp… 50 exp for killing another player."

Carter's attention was captured when Dandrik suddenly talked in front of them.

"That high?" His forehead tied a knot.

Dandrik nodded. "Yeah, maybe that's the reason why the man levelled up faster than most of us. You should all be wary of him, it seems like he is a dangerous person."

"We still have 3 days to grind right? Before the game shows our rank."

"Yes, that's why we need to make our stats stronger. You know, we need to be a chad so that women will flock on us," Joseph wiggled his brows.

Carter rolled his eyes, "You idiot. Who would want us when we're bald!"

"Hey! I'm still handsome even though I have no hair." Joseph whined that made both Dandrik and Carter shake their heads.

Dandrik silently went in Carter's direction and patted the man's back. "Let's just look for monsters. I think he's starting to lose his sanity."


'I need 10 exp more to level up.' Exhausted, Carter sat on the chair near the table.

After a whole day of finding and killing some monsters, they were now sitting at a food stall near the hotel that they were staying at.

They managed to kill 4 monsters with 15 exp for each of them. They tried to find a medium or higher leveled one just like the Chamelrus, but all they saw was the 8-Legged Spider.

They need to rest earlier for more than 2 hours as they need to regain the mana that they lost. They thought that it's easier for them to kill when they're using their abilities, but they forgot that they just have limited mana.

Both Dandrik and Carter used their stats points focusing on strength, while Joseph, on the other hand, placed it in his stamina. That's how they came up with the arrangement.

For the whole day, both of them were the ones that dealt damages while Joseph would tank the attacks coming from the monsters.

Of course, even though the spiders can only deal low damage to them, it's still a minus to their health points.

"Dandrik, do you think, how much would a basic weapon cost?" Joseph asked as he suddenly remembered the silver sword from earlier.

"Hmm… maybe 2 to 3 silver coins?" Dandrik answered with a tone of uncertainness laced in his voice.

Carter who was listening on the side, nodded.

'I have 2 silver coins already and 31 bronze coins. I hope the ones that we encountered tomorrow will give us a lot of money.' the man murmured to himself.

Chuckling, Dandrik glanced over to Joseph who looked regretful. His eyes were watching them with horror.

"I spent a lot of money already!" Joseph screeched in terror.

"That's what you got when we informed you that we should save some money." Dandrik rolled his eyes as they continued to eat.

Carter, who was the first one to finish, opened his stats.

[ Level: 3 ]

[ Rank: Bronze 3 ]

[ EXP: 90/100 ]

[ HP: 290/300 ]

[ Mana: 71/75 ]

[ Strength: 15 ]

[ Agility: 13 ]

[ Stamina: 12 ]

[ Intelligence: 11 ]

[Weapon: Wooden Stick (+2 STR)]

[ Skills: Fire Knuckles (1/7) | Stone Wall (1/7) ]

[ Available Stat Points: 0 ]

[ Available Skill Points: 0 ]

"It says here that we can only have 7 skills in total?" Carter questioned when he saw the words written when he clicked the 'Skills' word.

"Yes. You can disable the skills if you reached the maximum and wanted to add one. Did you see the upgrade question when you spent your skill point? We can upgrade our skills 6 times in total."

Giving thumbs up to Dandrik, Carter closed his screen. That means each skill has 7 levels.

"Does that mean I need to reach at least level 43 to upgrade all of my skills?" Carter added in when the idea crossed his mind.

Dandrik shook his head. "Nah. Even higher than that. Some upgrades could cost more than one skill point."

Carter nodded. "Thanks,"

It seems like he still has a long way to go if he wants to be the final winner.


[ Congratulations! You have successfully defeated Green Mice]

[You gained 7 bronze bald coins.]

[You have been awarded 15 exp.]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 5.]

[Shop is now unlocked]

[Quest Completed]

[You have been rewarded 50 exp and 1 silver bald coin]

Carter smiled widely as the notification on his screen kept ringing. After 2 days of finding and killing monsters, he was now at Level 5.

[Congratulations! Your rank has leveled up. Additional 2 stat points will be added.]

[You have been rewarded 2 silver coins]

[You have been rewarded with 10 strands of hair. Would you like to equip it?]

With widened eyes, he quickly clicked the "No" button.

[10 strands of hair will automatically be placed in inventory.

'How idiot will I look like if I only have 10 strands of hair on my scalp?' He asked himself.

For sure, if others look at him, they would laugh at how bad it will be. He needs to at least save his reputation in the game.

Realizing it, maybe that's the reason why the man named Pp… Pepe… PeterPack? Has no hair on display when the incident happened.

After all, who would want to walk around with only a number of hairs placed on their scalp, right? He will just equip that thing when they're already a lot.

How much hair does he need, though, for it to look decent?


Now that Carter knows that they can gain some hair by ranking up, do you think he will use it? Hmm... maybe for an advantage or... getting girls?

On the other hand, since I have published 15 chapters already, then I think it is the right time to start weekly missions for bonus chapters.

50 ps = 1 bonus chapter

100 ps = 2 bonus chapters

These bonus chapters will be posted every Monday.