
< Name: Seductress Maiden >

[ Level: 20 ]

[ HP: 3400/3500 ]

[ Mana: 1000/1000 ]

[ Strength: 26 ]

[ Agility: 27 ]

[ Stamina: 29 ]

[ Intelligence:32 ]

[ Skills: ]

[Skill 1: Air of Lust ]

[Description: The Seductress Maiden will release harmful air for 10 seconds. 50 HP will be reduced each time the player inhaled the toxic air. ]

[ Skill 2: Alluring Eyes]

[ Description: If the player meets the Seductress Maiden's eyes, he/she will freeze for 30 seconds. Movement, skills, or any attacks will be prohibited to use by the player. ]

[ Skill 3: Touch of Temptation]

[ Description: If the player was touched by the Seductress Maiden in any part of the body, he/she will fall into an illusion. 150 HP will be reduced If the player fails to come out within 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes, an addition of 50 HP will be deducted, each minute, if the player still couldn't get out.

[Gold: 5 silver bald coins]

"Owshii, this beautiful woman is a monster?" Joseph yelled out loud as he looked at the woman, standing, not so far away from them.

Dandrik immediately lightly hit Joseph on his head. "You fool, her name was literally a seductress. Don't be swayed by its appearance!"

"This is not time for jokes." Carter reminded them. "Let's kill this monster already. Beware as this is far more deadly than the Chamelrus."

Nodding his head, Carter summoned his sword in his hands. "Unlike when we fought over with the Chamelrus, we're only 3 right now so be careful."

Joseph scratched the back of his head and nodded. He opened up his palms until a stack of cards suddenly appeared out of the blue. That's the same thing with what Dandrik and Carter did as a silver sword, appeared in their sight.

"Are you ready?" Dandrik asked them.

Joseph happily nodded and raised his thumbs. "Of course."

"Let's go," Carter's lips slightly rose up.

The three men nodded before running towards the woman who had been watching them since earlier. The Maiden laughed loudly as she saw how the three men ran after her.

"Air of Lust!" The woman shouted loudly as a cloud of smoke suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Don't breathe guys!" Carter halted after hearing the woman's voice. He quickly looked around and saw that there was a nearby tree on the side.

A breath of relief escaped through his lips as he hurriedly hid behind the tree, covering his nose carefully.

-50 HP

[ 300/350 Hp Remaining! (Joseph) ]

"Fuck!" Joseph cursed loudly when he accidentally inhaled the toxic air causing his HP to lessen.

Carter glanced over at the side. He saw that the woman was going near both Dandrik and Joseph's direction.

"Stone Wall!" Carter cast as he pointed out to both the man's direction.

A huge rock, coming from the floor, formed behind Dandrik and Joseph. Dandrik who noticed it quickly looked back and gave a thumbs up to Carter as a sign of thank you.

Joseph chuckled and nodded at Dandrik. He stepped out and waved cheerfully at the monster. "Catch me if you can!" He yelled as he activated his skill, "Air steps".

"Fire Knuckles Activate," Carter uttered as he slowly moved around to meet Joseph. Thankfully, the woman didn't see him earlier when he cast the wall.

"Now!" Carter shouted when he saw that his knuckles were starting to form a lava-like stone around them. "Air steps activate," He uttered to increase his speed.

Dandrik looked at his sword. He skillfully threw it towards the woman's direction causing the monster to lose its focus against Carter.

[-250 (Seductress Maiden)]

3150/3500 Remaining! (Seductress Maiden)

"Argh!!" The woman cried out when the blade of Carter's sword swung into her arm. She turned around and saw the man near her. She could feel the fresh blood dripping, slowly on her arms.

[-163 (Seductress Maiden)]

2987/3500 Remaining! (Seductress Maiden)

The woman's mouth formed into an unpleasant twist. In a flash of light, she jumped in mid-air and raised her arm.

"Touch of Temptation!" The woman uttered as she took a grip of Carter's shoulder.

That was the last thing Carter have heard as he shut his eyes after his sight became blurry. Carter's body suddenly feels numb. He tried moving his fingers but his efforts were all put in vain.

A blinding light greeted him when he opened his eyes. Carter was already in a white room with only a messy bed in the middle.

"Where am I?" He asked himself.

"Hi, Carter,"

With furrowed brows, Carter looked around when he heard someone calling his name. His eyes widened when he saw a woman seductively walking near him.

The woman was wearing a tight little black dress that was revealing half of her breast. The dress was so short that it was already showing the woman's soft butt cheeks.

"Are you looking for me, Darling," The woman smiled sweetly as she lightly ran her fingers on Carter's neck, sensitively touching his jaw afterward.