The Awaited Gathering

"What should we do in the meantime?" Joseph asked in a boresome tone.

Currently sitting on Dandrik's bed, the three of them do not have anything to do. It was already 12 in the afternoon, and they just ordered food for lunch from the staff of the place.

Shrugging his shoulder, Carter lay against the side of the bed. He raised his hands and placed them behind his head, acting as a pillow. "When will our order get here?"

"Hmm, I think it will get here sooner," Joseph answered.

Nodding his head, Carter straightened his back and shifted his attention to other things. Without anything to do, Carter decided to just check his quest since he remembered that the last time he checked it was before going to bed yesterday.

Carter surveyed his eyes around the screen after clicking the button. He surveyed his eyes and carefully read what was written.

[Daily Quest: Reach Level 7 ]

[Refreshes; 18:13:09]

[Reward: 10 EXP]

After reading the daily quest, his eyes moved on to the main one.

[Main Quest: Reach Bronze I]

[Refreshes: 6: 18: 12: 59]

[Reward: 500 EXP, 1 Golden Bald Coins]

"Bronze I? That's like 8 more levels. The fuck? Is this system going nuts?" Carter's brows formed a straight line after looking at the texts. How can he possibly reach level 15 in just a week in order to rank up?

Joseph, who noticed the change in Carter's expression, got up. "What's the problem, man?"

"Nothing. My Main quest was just insane." Carter shook his head and closed the screen in front of him.

"Oh, yeah. My Main Quest was to gain 20 silver coins in just a week." Joseph chuckled.

'I didn't know that players here have different Main Quests' Carter thought after hearing the man's words. 'Hmm… if that's the case, then our Daily Quests would surely be different too.'

But Carter's thoughts were interrupted when an unknown voice coming from the door suddenly sounded.

[Order Delivered.]

"THE FOOD IS HERE!" Joseph exclaimed excitedly as he hurriedly opened the door.

Carter shook his head. His eyes glanced over at Dandrik, who was sitting on the side."You, okay?" He asked the man when he saw him looking so serious.

"Yap," Dandrik answered with a slight smile on his face.

Weirded out, Carter just nodded his head and stood up. He followed Joseph, who was at the door, getting their food. He just speculated that maybe Dandrik was nervous about what his ranking will be.

"Come! Let's eat!" Joseph, who was the most energetic among all of them, pulled Dandrik unto the table.

They order chicken and noodles to partner with it. The 10pcs chicken cost them around 27 bronze coins. While the noodles were 5 bronze coins in every bowl.

The three men started eating enthusiastically. They were silent and were just devouring the food, set on their table.

< Name: Hairy Man >

[ Level: 6 ]

[ EXP: 140/150 ]

[ Rank: Bronze II ]

[ HP: 400/400 ]

[ Mana: 150/150 ]

[ Strength: 20 ]

[ Agility: 14 ]

[ Stamina: 13 ]

[ Intelligence: 12 ]

[Weapon: Silver Sword (+5 STR)]

[ Skills: Fire Knuckles (2/6) | Stone Wall (1/6) | Air Steps (1/6) ]

[Stat points Available: 3]

[Skill Points Available: 1]

[Hair Collected: 10 (Unequip)]

'I'll add 1 to Strength and 2 for Stamina,' Carter uttered in his mind as he spent his Stat Points.

He proceeded to open his skills tab since he still has 1 skill point remaining.

[Skill: Air steps]

- Description: Movement speed will increase by 50% for 10 seconds.

- Mana cost: 10]

- Cooldown:1 minute

[ Would you like to upgrade it? ]

[Skill: Stone Wall]

- Description: Once Stone Wall is triggered, you can use it to protect yourself in any damage. The enemies' damage will decrease by 75% for 30 seconds.

- Mana cost: 30

- Cooldown: 5 minutes

[ Would you like to upgrade it? ]

[ Skill: Fire knuckles ]

- Description: Deal 50% more damage to enemies for 5 seconds. If the player is not hit by any damage for 5 seconds, then the next attack will deal 75% more damage

- Mana cost: 25

- Cooldown:3 minutes

[ Would you like to upgrade it? ]

Carter surveyed his eyes around the skills page. He tried scrolling down, but the skills were still the same. 'The heck, when will there be a new skill?'

He opened the skills button once again, trying to refresh it. That's the only time he noticed a book-shaped icon, placed on the right top corner.

Carter quickly opened it and saw a bunch of skills that had a locked icon in the middle. He tried clicking one of them to see what he needed to do to unlock it.

[Breath of Haleness]

- Description: When Casted, you will automatically regain 150 HP. If the user didn't receive any damage for 5 seconds, his/her mana and HP bar will automatically be full. (+5) will be added to stamina while the user's attack speed will increase by 25%

- Mana cost: 45

- Cooldown: 3 minutes

[ Can be Unlock once you reach Level 5]

[ Requirements: ]

[ 1 Rosewater ]

[ 1 Blood Fangs ]

[ 1 Paper of destiny ]

[2 Skill Points]

"Dandrik, Carter, where can I find a paper of destiny?" Carter rapidly asked the two men. His eyes gladdened when he saw the skill. 'That was such a good skill!' he uttered in his mind.

"You can find them at… hmm… wait let me find the nearest location." Dandrik opened up his map. His eyes roamed around, trying to find the best possible location.

"Oh, right. We can find some in the Grand Plaza." The man answered after looking around the map.

Carter nodded his head. "Can we go there later? That's around 2-3 hours away"

"Yup, no problem. Let's go there after the announcement." Dandrik answered that made Carter grin widely.

"Nice! We will move to a new place!" Joseph exclaimed on the side as he chew his food endlessly.

Carter closed his screen. He decided to just save his skill point and unlock the skill "Breath of Haleness'.

15 minutes later and another notification appeared on everyone's screen.

[All players will move to the Main Plaza in 10 seconds]

"Please let my rankings be decent enough." Joseph prayed earnestly as he saw the timer running out. He quickly wiped out the sides of his mouth and stood up.





[You have been successfully spawned to the Main Plaza]