Necklace Of Darkness

"I'll spin now," Carter uttered as he flicked his fingers to spin the wheel. He closed his eyes and prayed dearly, as if his life were currently at stake.

"You won a Jackpot Prize!" the old man yelled loudly with a smile evident on his face.

Opening his eyes, Carter was totally surprised when he saw that the pointed tip stopped on the Jackpot Prize.

"W-What…" He stuttered. His eyes repeatedly blink, trying to process what the old man had uttered.

[You have been awarded an x2 Exp Boost for 10 days from the Lucky Spin Shop]

"A two-times boost? Does that mean that whenever I gain EXPs from monsters and quests, then it will be doubled?" He questioned.

The old man nodded at Carter's question.

"Nice!" He exclaimed loudly.

If only he was this lucky in the real world, then he doesn't need to work anymore! If he was just this lucky, then he could have all the things that he wanted to have.

Money, and especially women!

The prize that he got from the spin gave him hope that he could accomplish his main quest at the given time, or even less than that.

'This is almost a cheat! ' He thought as a wide smile rose up to his lips.

"Young Man, you still have a spin left." The old man reminded him.

Slowly nodding his head, Carter worriedly spun the wheel one more time. He was thinking that since he already got the jackpot prize, then the next spin would be a curse.

Carter's eyes widened. His jaw fell on the floor when the wheel stopped at the Jackpot prize once again.

The old man smiled and clapped his hands. "You're the first person who successfully got a jackpot prize twice in my shop!"

"Really?" His eyes squinted, doubting the man.

"Yeah. On this Jackpot Prize, you won 500 EXP," The old man smiled. "And since you won the 1st double jackpot ever, I would like to give you something more."

[ You have been awarded 500 Exp from the Lucky Spin Shop ]

[ You have been awarded an extra 100 Exp from the Shop owner.]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 8.]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 9.]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 10.]

"I LEVELED UP THREE TIMES!" Shocked, Carter looked at the old man with his eyes wide open. Because of his sudden level up, his notification keeps ringing which took some time before it fully stopped.

[Congratulations! Your rank has leveled up. Additional 2 stat points will be added.]

[You have been rewarded 5 silver coins for ranking up.]

[You have been rewarded with 100 strands of hair. Would you like to equip it?]

Carter clicked the "No" button. He didn't want to catch everyone's attention. He was still in a daze from what happened. Tilting his head to the side, 'How can I keep this from them?" He asked himself.

Since he told them to go first, he didn't want them to think differently about him. Although it was not that big deal, he just didn't want to share it this instant.

Too stunned to speak, he looked at the old man with squinted eyes. "How can I meet my friends now?" He asked in a low voice.

He just can't say that he got lucky two times and now he's level 10 already. He was sure that even if that was the truth, they would still be suspicious of him.

Carter doesn't want a slim chance of betrayal to surface because of jealousy.

He doesn't want to have more enemies.

Patting Carter's shoulder. "Since you're the first player who got this achievement, then I would award you this necklace." the man stated.

The old man took a necklace with a small but a shining black pendant in the middle. "What do you want to achieve?"

Carter took a deep breath before speaking.

"I want people, especially my friend, to see that I'm still at level 7 and that my rank is still the same. I don't want them to know that I have such a high level," he slowly answered after thinking it carefully.

Grinning, the old man smiled and gave Carter this necklace. "Wear this and your wish shall be my command."

"Are you sure, Sir?" Carter warily took the necklace out of the man's hands.

"If you don't want to, then fine!" The old man's tone changed in annoyance. 'This young guy has a lot of questions when I was helping him already!' The old man uttered in his mind.

Carter, in a flash, shook his head. He swiftly wore the necklace. It was just small and almost unnoticeable when worn which made him relieved.

When he remembered that he still needs to buy the paper of destiny, Carter rapidly bid goodbye to the old man. He didn't forget to say his appreciation for the necklace.

"Shit, I need to buy the paper immediately."


"You old man! Where did you go once again! Black Cloak was looking for you earlier." A voice sounded out. They were inside a room that was full of computers.

The old man sat on one of the chairs. "I checked the game and interacted with some players," he answered, in boredom.

The young man shook his head. "Grandpa, did you set up your luck shop once again?"

"You know me too well, huh? I still pity those players that joined the game. That's why I went there." The old man shrugged his shoulders.

"It's a good thing that no one suspected you to be a real person!" The young man scolded.

Both of them were working Under Cloak Entertainment, the game's development company. The old man has a nickname of Red Cloak, while the young guy was called Green Cloak.

"I talked to a young man in my shop. I saw his profile and gave him the necklace of darkness." The old man uttered.

The young man's eyes widened. "The necklace of darkness?! That's…"

Nodding his head, the old man beamed. He just hopes that the guy named Carter will take care of that necklace. After all, he was the one who personally designed that necklace.


Now that Carter got the Necklace of Darkness, what do you think might happen to him? And do you think that's the only use of the necklace?