Getting Recognized

"Oh, right. Before I forgot, Lucas already answered my message. He told me that we should meet in the next town after 2 days." Joseph uttered when he remembered it.

Carter nodded. "What did you reply?" He curiously asked the man. 

"I told him, I'll tell you two about it first before we make an agreement." The man answered before closing his screen. 

"How many hours is the next town, though?" Dandrik sat on one side. Took a mango out of his inventory and sliced it using his sword. 

Joseph quickly went into the map and looked at the next location. "Hmm… About 10 hours?" the man took a deep sigh. "That's quite far!!" 

"Since we still have 2 days, let's set out tomorrow and try to walk until halfway. We have tents on our storage if ever we need to sleep in the woods."

  Standing up from his seat, Carter proceeds to walk on a nearby tree on the side. He looked around and leaned against it.