
A deep sigh escaped from Carter's lips. "I need to level up today. My x2 boost will end already." He murmured silently since both Dandrik and Joseph were not on his side. 

"I wonder if we can find some monsters today while looking for an invite?" He asked himself and shrugged his shoulder. 

Carter's feet raced when he noticed that he was already a little bit far away from the two men. 




A few shouts coming from different voices echoed in the forest. Carter's eyes looked around until he saw a silhouette of people on their right side. 

"That's them!" Joseph shouted. 

Running to the right side, they were greeted by the smiling faces of Lucas and his friends. Lucas was on the middle while both Angela and Ciara were on the man's left side. Gian and Gab, on the other hand, was on the right side. 

"It's nice meeting you guys!" Lucas was the first one to say hello among the five of them.