The interrogation room is pretty soundproof. Unless someone is getting beat up inside or yelling at the top of their lungs nothing should be heard from the outside.
Our 'Typical high-security prison guard with no expression', is sitting beside the door with... well, no expression, as usual. He heard the voice of one of the grumpy guys who were always with the female superior officer a while ago. Seemed like he was cursing at the prisoner but it's all quiet now. He is used to hearing sounds like this and usually, he doesn't pay much attention. But this prisoner inside is a bit different. Someone very high up the rank ordered him to keep a close eye on this prisoner and also the officers and visitors around him. He is pretty irritated at the matter though. All these years he just had to sit here and open and close the door but now he has to listen in and report! He sighs and reaches inside his right back pocket. And brings out a small flask. Drinking on duty is a serious punishable offence but he didn't get caught all these years what's gonna happen now after all these years? Also, he really needs to gobble down a few drops to release some stress. His job is already at risk anyway!
The smack from earlier did really hurt. The right ear is throbbing now. He exhales another batch of smoke and kills the light of the cigarette on the ashtray in front of him. That's his 3rd stick and it's only been half an hour! Yet he is thinking inside, "Too bad it's not a pot but this will have to do..."
- So, Where was I?
The female officer replied, "You slipped right on the stairs, and *Bam! *Thwap...Hurt your back and twisted an ankle."
- *TunTun, Nice! You are actually paying attention!
- Of course, I am! It's a confession after all...
- Then let's continue, so yeah I slipped and fell, on the ground as well as in love. Kindda cringy if I look back nowadays but that's how it always is Teens are cringy.
Now that I know, that the sensation I feel on my chest and inside my pants when I see Melody is called 'Love'... I naturally wanted to approach her, to you know get to know her and have a conversation, maybe even ask her out. But... A big BUTT about me is that I was a max-level introvert at that time. Not just that time, but actually my whole student life I've been an introvert. I was too shy to talk to girls, didn't go out of the home much, and didn't have many friends, you know the type...
The female officer shrugs and says, "Who could've thought! Once an introvert is now accused of all these crimes..."
He smiles and stares at her cleavage again.
- Who could've thought indeed!
Anyways... so as I couldn't take the initiative to strike up a conversation with her, my love story was hanging like a motionless mango without any wind, or maybe an apple... umm... just imagine something similar I'm bad with metaphors. But my motionless love story caught wind and started moving again when a certain person entered my life... His name is Sam.
The female officer remembered something, "Sam?! The Sam who testified against you in the case filed by Melody and....Roderica?"
- Roderica... huh! My dear Roderica... Yeah, that sounds about right... That's Sam alright.
He was a famous bully during his school life. And not the typical annoying type either. He was a violent type. Not that he was strong himself. He was just strong, against the weak. And believe me, he was evil against the weak kids. But maybe it was some dumb luck, somehow he was very good to me.
- A bully like him behaved kindly towards you?
- Yep, Let me tell you from the start. It's been a year already since I fell in love with Melody. That year when the new semester started, I joined a Maths tuition. And guess what? I'm the only normal kid there. The entire batch is just Sam and his gangmates. Pretty epic eh?
I was an introvert but even I knew their faces. I've seen all their faces at least once being punished during school time for one or many reasons. We are all waiting for the teacher to arrive and the bullies are all staring at me and muttering something among themselves. I was so scared I almost shit my pants. Then suddenly Sam shouts at me, "HEY... you...I think I know you. You are Robbie, right? You studied in the 'X Kindergarten' right?"
I was shocked but that got me thinking back at my kindergarten days. Oh! fun fact if I include my life as a kid in the story then technically Melody is not my first love, she is second. First was my teacher from kindergarten, Miss Lisa. The sweetest and most beautiful teacher I've ever seen at that time.
- Hey! You were probably 5 years old then.
- That's what I said, she was the sweetest and most beautiful teacher I've ever seen during my 5 years of lifetime. I was so heartbroken when she left the kindergarten... Never saw her again till this date.
Anyways back to the important bit. Turns out that Sam also studied with me in the same class during our kindergarten times. And I even shared my lunch with him a few times so he viewed me as a friend even during his bully lifetime. Talk about Lucky huh? Or maybe even karma... Even though I didn't remember him from the kindergarten days he actually did remember me. In that sense, he was a pretty decent fellow. So that's how my name was excluded from the bully target notebook. I regularly attended tuition, they all were dumb, especially in maths so I sometimes helped them solve some problems after the tuition was over, I got along with them pretty well. Then suddenly one day Sam comes to me. And he says, "Bro, I heard you like Melody?"
I was shocked as to how he found out but soon after he dropped the bomb...
"Bro I told her all about you and set up a date. Go meet her tomorrow after school."... !!!