chapter vi

they are walking and talking now

Teeno, Heather, Cameron, West, Joshua turn six, Trent, Trevino, Tiffany Warren, Warner turns five, Chessie, Renshaw, Cora, Renskin, turn four, Francesca, Brett, Rico, Jayden, turn three, Dayton Levette, Dolton and Jessup turn two, the same for Frankie, Preston, Nancy, Devon turn sic, Aaron, Savannah, Cullen, Tonia turn five, Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter turn four, Clayton, Nano, Railey, Daytona turns three, and Grayson, Kendra, Kendrick, Yonett, Yohan, and Jesse turn two, the homestead is busy with little running around and playing, even The Holiday is tomorrow, " how e going to plan this? asked, Jessie, " if we fix we are going to either take them to dad see if he can watch them, or have him come up here, said Jordan, "Will we can get stuff in town and cook at his house, lucky we already prep the chicken and seasoned it, said, Jessie, they got their kids put them in the wagons and left the home, heading to Motgan town to spend The holiday with their uncle, it iswindy outside, " mommy I cold, said. Levette, " I know sweetie we are almost there, okay, mommy and Aunt Jordan got you all, said. Jessie, they finally arrived in Morgan town, when Marco walked out of his house, "What you doing out here this time of night? asked, Marco, " you don't want to spend the holiday with you we get a room for the night, said. Jordan, "No, I rather have you all with me, said, Marco, " we got to get goods to cook you mind watching them,? I want to come, cried, Cameron, " please mommy, begged, Preston, " I can't believe they are walking and talking already, give my grandbabies, said, Marco, " son I will be back, I won't be gone long, Jessie got out the wagon and take them out, " Teeno, Heather, Cameron, Weston, Joshua, Trent, Trevino, Tiffany, Warren, Warner, Chessie, Renshaw, Cora, Renskin, Francesca, Brett, Rico, Dolton, Dayton, Jayden, Jessup, Levette stay with your grandfather I need to get supplies for dinner, said. Jessie, Cameron fell on the ground and hollered and Cry, " Crying out loud Cameron, I'm not going far, she picked him up, and he wrapped his arms around her, Josie and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bells walked up, Jessie rubbed him on his back, " the same goes for you Frankie, Preston, Nancy, Devon, Cullen, Tonia, Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter, Aaron, Savannah, Clayton, Nano, Grayson, Yonett, Yohan, Kendra, Kendrick, Jesse behave all fifty-five of you, Pres you see me again, she got off the wagon and take them out and hand the chicken to their father, " mom is a plan to cook a bird, did they made a sauce? let's get from the cold, said. Marco, " mommy please! he jump up and down crying, " preston you acting like I leaving you, I just going to the store, Jordan pick him up to calm him, he also wrapped his arms around his mother, " yes dad, can you watch them for us, " evening theses the babies you talk about? asked, Mrs. Bells, " mommy, mommy, they grab on to their mothers legs, " guys it's okay they not going to hurt you, said. Jessie, " or want you, go with grandpa, we be back, you calm now son, we going to act like we six? " they six?" their oldest is six, come babies let's go in, excuse, bye. they all walked into the house, while Jordan and Jessie walked into the store to get a few groceries, " you two are you boys always going to cling to us? asked Jessie. " yep, you are the only women in our lives Mommy, said. Cameron, " I regret to tell you and your siblings that, " if that led to this me to, they got what they needed, Jordan paid for the crank of goods, they picked up their sons, and walked out the storefront, they walked down to their fathers house, Jessie knock on the door, Marco open the door, " guys mommy is back, they walked in, he closed the door, as they walked up, " go home they my daughters and grandkids not yours, I spending the holiday with them, which go spend with your family, " you all welcome to join us we have plenty of food, said. Mr. Bells, " no thank you plus they plan to do cook, when that happens look out, right Weston and Devon mommy got great food? they smile, " where mommy? asked, Weston, " Jessie and Jordan are in the kitchen, size after dinner I going to treat my family to a Holiday show, and cake, said, Marco, " we always go to a musical, Marco closed the door on them, " mommy, " which is calling me, Weston laughed, " me mommy, I thirsty, said, Weston, " dad do you have any thing to drink? asked, Jessie. " how about some caocao, come babies let's drink some coacao, they ran into the living room and sat down, Jordan walked in with the tray, " wow how come you all won't do that for us? they laughed, " say because you are mommy and not grandpa, said, Marco, she passes them out cups and pour them some hot beverage in them, " be careful babies, it's hot, said, Jordan, Jessie walked in, " everything is cooking, you got to be kidding me, so when we tell you to sit you don't, what your secret dad, asked, Jessie. " caocao, " so he said, why are they acting like they are in our lives all of sudden, you courting her? asked. Jordan, "No, have no need, I only had dinner with them, mom being busy, they sat down, " appears that way. said, Jessie, they drank some of their cocoa, " Mommy, mommy, called, Yonett, " yes Yonett, answered. Jordan, "Are we going to see the doggies? " noo, sweetheart, the doggies are far away hunting now, you all are safe, said, Jordan, the winter leapers, and wolves are still out, they will be until winter ends, " I recommend that you stay here tonight, Jordan and Jessie, one to the dark for you to head out and to dangerous, said, Marco, they take another sip, and put their mugs down, and got up, " we agree dad, that why we came up here tonight, said, Jordan, " plus to see what Mr. Darnel have for us in the morning, said. Jessie, they went to check on the food, Marco went to set the table, and everything was done cooking, they put everything in serving bowls and plates, " to the table guys, we get your cups, said, Jessie, they got up and walked to the table and sat down, " no drinking for eating little ones, Jessie pour the honey sauce on the bird to moist it, Marco cut the chicken, as they help their plates with food, " mom put their food in it, gals that smell and look great, said. Marco, " thank you, we hope everything is good, they sat down and they blessed the food and start to eat, they are enjoying the dinner, " mm, mom delicious, said. Marco, after they finished their meals they give them their cocoa, Joshua burp, " aw, everyone said, " excuse me, he said. then he laughed, " you excuse son I glad you like it, said. Jessie, Marco rubbed his stomach, " did mom make dessert? asked, Marco, " we did cherry cake, let your food settle first, said. Jordan, "How about we catch the show tomorrow night, after that meal I can't move, they all laughed, they help clean up the dishes and wash the dishes,