chapter xv

the accident

After they paid of the bank, they went to Dodge town, to get feed and cooking supplies, they pick up their sons and walked into the storefront, back at the house, they finished eating their breakfast, " won't you all go get some fresh air and grandpa will clean up the kitchen, said. Marco, " what about mommy and Aunt Jessie? Asked. Yonetta, " what about them? Said. Marco, " The accidentmommy and Aunt Jordan said we can't go outside, said. Chessie, * will grandpa say his babies need fresh air and play so have at it, they ran out of the door yelling and running around, in tow at the store front, they paid for the feed and carrying them ot, appJosie and her sister walked up, " where the rest? Hi you two helping mommy? They grab on to Jordan and Jessie legs crying, " they always that shy? Asked. Marybeth," son you are safe, I Ned t move around sweetie, get up. In the wagon Cam, " mommy,mommy mommy," yes, they got a shelter life, his sisters and brothers and cousins is back at home with his grandfather, she out the. Feed in the wagons, and closed , " mommy mommy, mommy," pres she doesn't want you son, mommy need to move around, up in the wagon, said. Jordan, sheep the sacks in the wagons and hey closed the door," how old are they? Asked. Marybeth, six, five, four, three ad two, excuse we busy, son we got one more stop to make and we are home, said,Jordan and Jessie,they pick up their sons and put them in the wagons and rolled out of Morgan town, " they so cute, said.Josie, they walked in the storefront, they. Are having a ball outside, Marco got dine cleaning up the kitchen,an telegram came in, it from Freedom there is a fight and they need their new marshal yeah in the law,, After they paid off the land and got feed they are heading to an out th way market that sales goods, " boys when you both going to break out of your shyness? Asked. Jordan, " he mommy, said. Preston, " we shy? Asked, Cameron, they arrived at the market, ad got off the wagons and pick up their sns," yes you son, when someone say hi or how cute you are , you cried and hover under my legs,Jordan told him, they got their baskets," you both very shy, said.jessie,they walked into the door, Marco sat outside watching them play, when Josie and her sister rode up and accidentally rode over Weston, he holler and cried,Marco ran to him," oh I am sorry,said. Josie," that you had to say in witch you run over one of NY grandkids,guys back in the house,I got you west,take your town in get a doctor do not come back here agian! He pick him up carry him the house," we told him to keep them in the houae,we got to go. Weston hurt, they walked out and got in the wagons and left,, she left and went to get an doctor. That she hadn't Sen Marco in while. To hear him careless about her calling her an which, few minutes they arrived at the house, they got out of the wagons and pick up Preston and Cameron and walked in the house, up the steps in their room," mommy, mommy, mommy, cried. Weston, she put Cameron dwn and walked up, * shh sweetheart, what happened to him? " that blasted women rode over him, doctor should be here soon.said,Marco," I pressing charge and arresting her for hit and run, she could killed him,son let's take a look, everything seems fine but HS leg is broken, its ourple," love of blue grass, I charging her unlawful conduct, Andi want her in pub rock prison camp, said. Marco, " may I wired the law office in Morgan town, " feel free, said. Jordan, she put Preston down, " I get water and rags ,must will get two blinds and wires to,sin try not to moved okay, guys keep him company, , they walked it to the room, and get supplies ready,Marco wire the law office about her hitting his grandson,as they ride in town,the marshal and Deputy walked up, " I placing you under arrest for rolling over Notary Anderson grandson he only five years own but that didn't stop you, maybe it was accident or maybe you trying to. Get rid of them so you can have him to yourself, they shackled her take her in the law office, Marybeth send the doctor up west and went with him, they walked in the room they cut his pants leg off, and wrapped his leg and healing clothes,, he start to, crying , " I know baby try to not move for mommy and Aunt Jordan, said, Jessie. They roll up at the house,Marco let hi in and blocked her," that goes for you to, get off this land before I have your tail arrested for trustpassing! They are no kin to you , so you both have no businesses coming here, snapped Marco," Josie was arrested it was accident, you got to believe me she didn't see him, " tell that to his mother and Aunt, and , why you tell that to him who is five years old, I had her arrested if you don't leave you are going to joining her, she got in the inwagon in left, he brace up his leg with the brace s and wires, the healing clothes will take down the swallowing and his bones will start to heal up, " these are for pain and he tried not to move to much, and if so this for his use to get away, some people do not need to behind a a horses, said,the doctor. " agree thank you,how much for the visit, said. Jssie," I seen when Alexa had you and your sister, when you both had these little, on the house, I be by latter on tomorrow to see how he doing, said. The doctor, " thank you, they both said. Marco see him out, they covered him up,