chapter I a murder in Houston

After they finally catch and trail the sisters that were ribbing trains, and depots,they transfer them to Coal prison camp where they been sentenced to the max, that been full two years ago, noe the family is in the office filling out arrest reports, transfer report, and reports,this a full day in deed, back to the story. Teeno,Heather, Cameron, Weston, Joshua, Trent, Chessie, Warren, Warmer, Francesca, Trevino, Tiffany, Renshaw, Cora, Renskin, Rico, Dayton, Jayden, Dolton, Levette, and Jessup. And Frankie, Preston, Nancy, Devon, Cullen, Tonia, Tanner, Aaron Dain, Portor, Daytona, Railey, Nano, Clayton, Greyson, Kendra,Kendrick, Yonetta, Yohan and Jesse is all Pre teenagers different ages, " when can we go home? Asked. Nano, " when we are done,what you want for dinner clubs? Asked. Jordan, in One of the sick towns there is a dead body,someone just cabin down a farm hand, Telegram from Chesterfield County at Morgan town Governor office, Marco got it hand it to him. ' where is bounty at my chef of the Security? Asked. Henry. " out in they valley,( gals you about to wrap it up,) asked. Marco, " yes there's is nothing out here today dad, you coming over for dinner dad?) Asked. Jessie, " stew chick in gravy stew mom and Aunt Jessie, said. Clayton, " and cheddar biscuits to. Said. Rico, " stew and biscuits it is clubs, said, Jordan. "( you know I am when you made that, it going to have to wait, put your mask on bear clubs and wolf clubs, we need you to go to Batten sick town in investigate the body there, ) said, marco.they all cried out, Jordan and Jessie laughed, that is funny. Back to the story, " ( we are on the way, ) they put their new bandanas and gloves on them. And the head to Batten sick town, Batten was a town until the out break of the *Eqiune encephalitis* which bites from *Mosquito*, that spread took out the town, and killed everyone, so Batten town stayed empty, because the virus is still there, so is the sworn of * Mosquitoes* I hope you all covered up, Back to the story. They arrived in the town, " hy does it smells here? Asked. Kendrick, " this Is an sick town son, ( dad we are here.) Said, Jordan. they take an looked at the body, " ( we are going to do our own examination of the body, to risky to get some one here, said. Jordan, there was buzzing near. Great they are coming! Back to the story. " mom what is that! Both Nancy and Heather said " don't know we are sticking around stay on your horses head to the inn we got the body, said. jordan, they head up to the inn. Jordan and Jessie pick up the dead body and got their horses, and rode up to the inn they got off their horse in walked inside they covered up their horse and put them into the stables,closed and locked the doors, the ran back to the i, pick up the body walked in, " upstairs clubs pick a masters room. Said, Jessie. They ran up the steps accepted for Preston and Caneron, " Preston come on! Called. Frankie, " Am you to now!" We not going without mom!! Preston and Cameron told the they locked the door, " boys upstair we right behind you, said. Jordan, they picked the body up and they walked up the steps and down the hall way, and into the master room, Weston close the door, they laid it on the floor, "( we are here dad and safe, but we the swarm came we going to have to wait it out ) listen this hold town is sick I rather we use our out house and bath house, we sleeping on the floor, said. Jessie, " we get home we going to sanitize theory. Hair, body everything, said. Jordan, they start to examine the body, " he been dead an few hours, do any level knows by what? Asked. Jessie, " bullet I the head right, asked. Clayton, " we got time and what, all we need an why, said. Jordan " we do got an lot of work ahead, 

1_process the body AR the office

2_start an track session

3 and investigating, we wait until the virus carriers is fine, lets get some sleep said.jordan, "