The homestead
Cameron and Preston defend their sisters in results Cameron got three broken ribs, and Preston got an concussion, both almost lost their lives, thanks to their younger brothers Warren Warner, Asher, Dain, and Porter, the family is back at home. Jordan and Jessie loaded and hand them to their sons and daughters, as they got by the windows staying down . " mom, said. Chessie, " stayed down and remain by the window Chess, said. Jessie, funny they rode up hollering and shooting at them, they open fire at them. " someone get Cameron and Preston off their beds now please, said. Jordan, Devon and Weston pick up their brothers laid them on the floor, "How you doing? Asked. Devon " comedy? Asked. West, " have a concussion bro,said. Preston," not really, answered, Cameron, bullet fly into the window, they duck out the way," what you want, we just humble house mothers trying to raise their kittens, yelled, Jordan, " leave our home you get something that you won't like, yelled. Jessie, they are howling, they reload their rifles and stand up and fired out at them, beating them off their horses, they walked out continued to fired at them, they got their wounds up an took off, Marco pulled up at the house, " you gals okay is the kids okay, asked.Marco, " yeah they find they just help us defend the house good job all clubs, you courting now dad? asked. Jordan, " this is the start the would have to be cowboys, said. Jessie, " no I don't know why she came with me, they walked in the House, They walked in the stairs, in the kitchen, " hey you just going left us on the floor!? Yelled. Cameron, " help would be nice siblings!? Yelled. Preston, Jordan and Jessie walked up the stairs in lean their rifle against the wall, and pick up their sons take them down stairs, " we show them right mom? Said. Cameron, " how you like that Jayden our big brother act like he had a gun. Said. Francesca, " Cameron you was on the floor, we was the one did the shooting. Said,Jayden," can talk about putting your daughters in pants,skirts and dresses cost to much trouble, said. Preston, "how is that big brother ? Asked. Nancy. " look at me, I got a headache for you, pants do not cause man dogs, said. Preston, they take them in the family room and sat them on the couch, " as what great big brother you are Preston, said. Nancy, " what will we do without you Pres, asked. Tonia, " you the best P, said. Aaron, " you sure are only you come to your baby sisters aid, said. Savannah, " tell me about it we all should give him hugs, said. Kendra," and kisses, said. Yonetta, " see how your sisters Dow on you son, go head gala give your hero the love," what don't tell him that! Said.Preston, they started to hugging and kissing him, " don't you seven think about put pants on, said. Cameron, " little brother how are we gong to worship the ground you walk on sir Cameron? Asked, heather, " Thank you and wearing pants be enough, said. Cameron, " no that won't be enough to repaid your great love what you think mom? Askrd. Chessie, " will he took beating so how about live on," don't love in hinpm, just out pants on for now in I got three ribs broken here, " Jordan I think I two hero deserve all the love from their sisters and brothers, said. Jessie. " call them off! Headaches! Cried.preston, their siblings loved in them, why they walked in wash their hands and started to cook, " you not going to call the if!? Put them in pants mom, said. Preston, " I want a dinner fit for a hero, I took a beating here, cried, " Preston, " you are so cute big brother, said. Aaron, " he sure us aw prestie what we going to do with you. Said ,Devon, " what is with the sudden nickname, " I think its you grandson prestie, said . Marco, " mom, mom, called Preston. They just got the sides on," which one of loveable good looking boys want get a duck for us how about nice duck dinner son, said. Jessie, " can we use the turners mom and Aunt Jordan? Asked, Trent," please mommy and Aunt Jessie, said, Daytona, " come on boys I show you have to used it, get me a duck and I show you how to clean I pluck it, Said, Jessie, they walked out of the house, Josie and Carlos is sit and talk nothing serious about it, his feelings is strong for her but she not that interested in him," why we going here, when we, can go to the pines,for a picnic, I get it you want to rub us in his face, " there no us, I agree to sit and talk with you to get them of my back, they got a duck from the pond, " plummet good job boys,she show them how to moved the feathers from it, " get them all off boys, they rode up, Jessie look at them, " hi Jessie, they gotten big how old are they, hi Cameron and Preston, " their brothers in the house , third oldest Trent and Daytona, teenhood, what can I do for you? Asked. Jessie, " really mom you out with our names? " she used to be my favorite Aunt, said. Daytona, " she know to keep it to her self, I am your only and favorite Aunt, sweetie. Daytona smile at her," I won't trade you for anything, " hey she my mother you better not, said. Trent, Jordan walked to the door, " hi Jordan, " dad it's for you, Said. Jordan, " da#n they are fine, " Gals in the house, boys take her in get back to the duck latter, " this is going to put us behind, Dad, get rid of them. Did you tell her who we are, how you know Cameron and Preston names? Asked. Jessie, " when they were infants you told her their names Jes, yes she thought you where my woman, " we still are dad," what the idea slipping our!? " child of mines relax mother wolf put them in snake eyes and ease their memories, " didn't I say do not used that without asking me you two, inside you two, , Said. Marco,they walked in the house, " what you want Josie, I ask you and told you to stop coming here, you brought dangerous to my daughters and grandkids, do you even use that brain or do you had a brain! Carlos got out of the carriage," hey I dare you talk to her like that! "_ stay out of this, I just want to talk in wonder if we can be friends again I stop coming here, said. Josie, " friends, I have to see what they say," you can't give an answer without the b!tches? He swing at him he step back in hit him in TBE face,Marco hit the ground, he pulled out his gun, they fired at gimp hitting him in the arm, he dropped his gun, " tried it you are dead, prick, said. Jordan, " you be dead before you pull a trigger, he doesn't need your pathetic friend you not here for that , Said, Jessie. " to rub him in his face to make him jealous to want you, get your sorry ∆$$ off our land or you get the same treatment as him, do hot bring him and come back here again, do you get me women, take your tail own we do not care who you date or married leave us alone! They clock their rifles and points it at them, " leave now! He puck up his gun and they got in their carriage and left, they helped him up, " grandpa you okay? Asked. Jezse,