chapter xx

They are fast asleep, and Jordan and Jessie walked out the room and down the stairs in the kitchen and went to clean up, before dinner, they got an lot to do, " camping was great, to see their little faces to light up when they catch their first fish, and ate their fish, so what first or government, said. Marco, " we need to set up here telegram the gals see what they , say, we can host it here, post it be fun for all ages, said. Darrnel, Marco walked up to the machine, and type: Jordan and Jessie how is my grandkids, .....stop.... We think about starting a parade .... Stop..... We know that you not doing this for fame,lets keep it that way...stop.... Dad s so proud of you, I only wish for mother could see yo gals now....stop.... Let us know what you think, I love you my bear clubs, he send it through, back in the west at the house,