Chapter iii

few days ago Darrnel got telegram from this unknown gangsters from pm cross the world , sending a offering for Houston Texas, they are talking about it, they pulled in the gals, the kids are in the bed asleep, " when they will be here sirs? Asked. Jordan, " who knows we are not handling over Houston Texas to this thug, said. Darrnel, " darn straight we denied a plan and season gals tell they are ready for this? Asked. Marco, " dad they are grown men and women now,in their twenty, they not ready for a gunfight in that is not what we are abiut, we are not going to let you get killed and Houston take over, when did this boss said he be arriving, asked? Jessie." No he could be on the way,hours days, said. Darrnel, " that give us a hour tovgetvthem, in a inn unknown set-up an session and plan,stalk out the town and office, said, Jordan, " agtpp cut the lights off , lock the door. No work, wait, we be back we wake them fed them and get them ready we be back before they get here, Telegram your wife tell her to go to Rick Creek city check in the inn unknown, one us be by soon to fill here and,no diners we bring you food from home,,raid. Jessie, " good plan,hurry gals,do be careful, said, Marco. " we will dad,said,Jordan and Jessie, they walked out of the door, they locked and cut the light off, they got on their horse rode out of the town,heading home, meanwhile on the train, this gangster boss seen a gold mine Houston, him and his gang is on his way to Houston, some do not care if there is new law in town, they arrived at the house, just in time their kids are up, " morning wolf clubs hit the bath house please we need to get to Morgan town,they walked down the steps," what going on you both weren't here this morning. Said,Brett, * your grandpa and governor needs us, we have hour to train you how to use a rifle and get you ready, scrub hard shave get ready, we have breakfast ready soon, they ran out of the house in the bath house, " what I say? " that the final we ss you hurry to wash did mom and Aunt Jessie said the magic word. Asked Jordan, they started to fix breakfast, back in Morgan town they was in edge, meanwhile the train is on its way, "