Chapter 11, Great Polish Uprising

Poland a nation that's been taken many times and resurfaced and rebelled against their occupiers. As the Great Uprising of Poland began Poland took the opportunity to break free and create a Republic for it's people.

Allied Command was able to send weapons and some Volunteers while they battled the Red Army elsewhere.

The Poles were outnumbered but they kept their faith and where determined to fight for their freedom.

They had fewer Mechs against the Bolsheviks, most of their weapons were rifles with a fewer Machine Guns, little Artillery and one Armored Train defending Warsaw.

A red haired woman dressed herself in a Military uniform but also placed an armband on with the Red Cross. She looked at her reflection in the mirror with a smile then grabbed a medical bag and stepped out into the streets.

People of the newly formed Republic of Poland held their flags and banners. Banners and Propaganda posters read 'Long Live the Polish Republic' 'Poland will never surrender' 'Reds Go Home!'

She smiled then walked over to a young man dressed in Priest's clothing. He held his cross while preaching to a group of young Polish Soldiers.

"As God has watched over Poland for years, may he guide us to a brighter future where Poland shall remain against all those who wish to erase us may we stand firm and defiant against a powerful foe as David battled Goliath, let us prepare for what we must do and if we must die we walk to the Golden Gates without fear Amen" He says.

"Amen" The Poles said as they picked up their rifles and went into formation. The Poles were giving weapons from the Allies in forms of Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and plenty of Melee weapons such as Knives, Clubs and other weapons.

"Dominik!" She said to which the Priest smiled as he said "Anna" They hugged each other "Anna I thought you would be with Mama and the rest of our Siblings" He says.

"I came to help! I became a Medic, Marshal Piłsudski asked every Pole willing to fight for Poland so I became a Medic" Anna said, Dominik chuckled at his Sister.

Their Father served in the German Army during the Great War however he died when Anna was around ten and her Brother Dominik just turned into a Young Adult but to avoid the war he became a Priest.

The Siblings walked to a gathering as a Officer begin a speech; "Poland has faced many threats! While our Allies in Estonia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Elsewhere battle the Red Menace we must unite for a greater Poland! They claim to come and unit the Worker's Party but they truly come to enslave us! no longer shall Poland be held down and occupied we will resist! Poland shall be defiant! For Poland!" He shouted.

"For Poland!" They cheered raising their rifles, Anna smiled at the scenery. Many Poles begin practicing their aim and firing when they face the Bolsheviks.

"Hey kobieta, where's your rifle?" One of the Soldiers said, Anna looked a bit surprise "I-I'm a Medic you see and I-" However one the Poles handed her a rifle and lead her to a range.

"The Bolsheviks don't care if your a Medic or Woman, they want to kill anyone who opposes them" Anna was given a Bolt Action Gewehr Rifle, she nervously held the rifle then fired into a dummy.

The butt stock slammed into her shoulder which made her ache then the Soldier held the rifle and showed her how to properly hold it. Suddenly a bell was ringed causing the Poles to run to the sound of the bell.

"Bolshevik forces are advancing towards Warsaw! we of Kresy must stop them!" One of the Officers said.

Anna listen to the talks and mutters as she tried to move closer to listen til she heard a few Officers talking.

"How many?" One said, "One of our Scouts said an entire Battalion, they have two armored cars, five heavy armored troops and one Super Tank....Our position near the river has fallen due to Red Cavalry, Sir we believe it's Commander Anton leading them"

The Officer looked to be scared muttering to himself while Anna continue to eavesdrop, "We only have Five Hundred plus at least two field cannons...Do they have any Mechs?" He asked.

"No..We're lucky but we're still outnumbered Sir, orders to fall back?" "We must hold this town, we don't have any radios to call for reinforcements...Send one of Pigeons out of the coming attack!"

The Pole saluted the Officer then ran to deliver the order. Anna was shocked to hear that they are outnumbered by the Red Army.

Anna ran to find her brother Dominik who is offering Prayers to the soon to be Soldiers of Poland. Just as when Anna was going to warn Dominik the warning bell was rang again meaning the attack has begun.

The Poles ran into their makeshift trenches where they positioned their rifles and sent up their Machine Guns. Anna joined them with the rifle lines.

"Brave Soldiers of Poland! Stand together and we shall win! For Poland!" One Officer shouted. Then the Red Army came to the town.

Armored Cars begin firing it's Machine Guns while the Super Tank fired into a building destroying it. The Bolsheviks charged waving their Red flags while screaming "Ura!"

Rifles and Machine Guns begin into the Red Army, Bolshevik troops fell into the ground and others returned fired.

Anna held her rifle biting her lip then fired, her shot missing a Red but ber second shot hit one into the Shoulder causing him to drop in pain.

The Red Army Super Tank was larger then any Tank which was seen during the Great War. The body was of a British Landship instead of having treads it had wheels, the turret had twin cannons and smokestacks on the back.

The Super Tank fired it's cannons into the town sending panic and fear in the Poles. "Artillery! fire onto that damn tank!"

Field Cannons fired into the Tank hitting it causing moderate damage to it but it continue to advance. However one of the Field Cannons fired destroying an Armored car and killed any Reds near the explosion.

Soon the Reds begin to jump into the trenches engaging into close combat. Bayonets stick into Soldiers, Rifle butts her cracked into skulls and screams filled the trenches.

Anna dropped her rifle and begin running as she only stopped to apply treatment to wounded Soldiers.

"Your going to be okay!" She said while bandaging a badly wounded Polish Soldier. One Pole went past her armed with a Trench Sweeper Shotgun and begin to slam fire at the charging Reds.

He killed some more before being gun downed, Anna felt herself being thrown off of the wounded Pole as he was mercilessly stabbed with bayonets.

"No!" She screamed then try to run but one of the Bolsheviks tackled her as she begin to struggle. Anna kicked him in the groin as he groan and she was able to roll him off.

She reached for a Webley Revolver just as she felt she was getting grabbed again. Anna screamed as she fired into the man.

She heard a cry then she looked as the man dropped with his chest turning red. Anna breathed heavily looking at his lifeless corpse.