Chapter 14, Small Hope

After the victory in Kraków, the Polish army gain a major foothold and Warsaw was still protected. Reports from the Allied Lines have claimed victory in Siberia, North of Russia and some parts of the Far Eastern Republic.

But Vladimir Lenin still holds political power in Russia, the Mongolian Red Army have entered into Russia itself and are battling the Allied Powers.

The Eastern Front was a stalemate and casualties were building up since the begining of the War.

Patrick, Karl and Anna are now marching with Polish Armed Forces to reestablish line to keep the Red Army from attaching towards Warsaw and deliver food to the hungry Polish Troops.

Anna looked out of view of the Stormwalker, she's never been in a Mech but heard stories of them. Patrick was driving it while Karl was eating some biscuits with jam on it.

Outside of the Mech, Polish Troops with a some Horse Riders and one Armored Car with a Gatling Gun attach to the top. The Group made through way down the road, one of the Poles looked through binoculars spotting a Fort made of stone, having some turrets, AA guns and plenty of other defences.

The Polish Flag waved above the Fort, the Flag was torn and battered but continue to fly high in defiance.

Karl open the hatch on top of the Stormwalker and looked at the Fort; "The Iron Barracks, that was one of the strongest Forts during the Great War, it's faced many Russian attacks and never fell however the Garrison had to pull out when their weapons went dry and food ran out" He says.

"Quite the history I'll say" Patrick replied pulling the goggles up on his head. As the group reached to the Fort, the doors open allowing them to walk in.

Inside plenty of Poles awaited they were tired, hungry even some were wounded. The Walker stopped as Karl, Patrick and Anna stepped out.

Patrick to help unload the boxes of food and ammo for the Garrison. The Boxes of food were filled with Potatoes, Canned Meat, Fresh bread and other Goods.

The boxes filled with Weapons and Ammo contained; Rifles of different origins from America to even Japan, Anti Tank Gewehr rifles, Explosives, SMGs and lots of Shells for their artillery.

A couple of Mechs stayed in a large room as the Mechs range from American F-3 Eagles, Russia's Iron Bears, a badly damaged Cossack and two French Joan of Arc.

Karl motion for Patrick to which he ran over while Anna assisted the Medics on helping the wounded. Karl and Patrick entered a room inside a group of Soldiers gathered looking on a map with red and blue pieces.

"The British have major successes in the Baltic Sea thus keeping the Soviets from attacking any Baltic States however at the Don river, a flood of Russian and Mongolian Reds have crippled some of the Allies lines....Any attack on Warsaw will be possible if we lose Warsaw and we'll be exposed" An Officer said.

"Pardon me but I have a urgent message for the Allied Command in Kyiv, the U.S.S Liberator was attacked and destroyed by an Armored Airship, I believe that ship is the main Bolshevik command" Patrick says.

"You be very right amerykański, that Airship use to be the Tsar's mighty Airship but when he step down and a Republic was formed it never saw Battle that until those damned Reds took it!" A Polish Soldier said gritting his teeth.

"Moscow is their capital but that Ship called the Ksusha, it's powerful Airship it has destroyed a few towns and cities...not just here but throughout Russia, Poland and even at the Allied Lines...." One Pole said taking a drink.

"So the Allies might already know of it..." Patrick looked at the map then said "Is there a possible attack on the Fort?"

"Our Scouts haven't seen any movement" "I want to lead a scouting party to find the Enemy" Patrick said to which Karl looked at him like he was crazy.

"Your funny amerykański, but-" The Officer pointed to the map, "Red's positions here which we dubbed the Red Line have been harassing our positions with Artillery and small attacks, we do need some Intel on the line itself "

"I'll do it I just need some volunteers" Patrick said, Karl rubbed his eyes stepping out.

Karl looked around seeing morale of the Fort wasn't great as they had plenty of wounded but the arrive of reinforcements and food must helped a bit.

Anna was helping a Soldier use a pair of crutches to walk then she went to a Pole who was missing an eye as she help patch it.

She noticed Patrick walking with a few Poles out of the Fort while Karl is examining the Mechs, "Where's he going?" She asked.

"He volunteered to scout an area known as the Red Line, an Airship called the Ksuhna has been harassing the lines so he went to find anything on it" Karl said.

Anna looked at the Mech with Karl, "My father fought in the Great War he seen many Mechs in battle" She says.

"Jawohl...I've served in the Eastern Front, Iron Bears during the Brusilov Offensive charged at German and Austro-Hungarian forces, sure the Tsar considered a victory but the field was filled with destroyed Armor and many dead Soldiers...I lost three of my friends..." Karl says.

Karl rubbed his eyes and Anna looked at him, he was tired, Karl scratched his blonde hair then continued "Ever since the Bolsheviks declared war I've seen already been fighting for nearly my entire life...I thought the Great War was it but it fills like it's only continuing with these verdammt Reds..."

"Have hope Mr. Karl, the war can only last for so long hopefully we can have peace again" Anna says, "Ja also just call me Karl I don't like Mister makes me feel old" He says with a soften chuckle.