Chapter 16, A Soldier without a Country

'As the Great War raged, we had no Country to call our own, we fought nearly everywhere in Europe soon as the Revolution began the Tsar stepped down and a Republic was formed but Lenin believed the Republic was weak and the Worker's Party should rise and resist'

'The Legion have been in the Civil War for years but after the declaration of war onto the Allies back in the '22 the Legion was split some where Communist sympathizers and others simply wanted to leave, once they saw the chance they revolted taking the Bolsheviks by surprise, each member of Legion fought then fled into Allied Land in hopes of building a new nation of their own'

'I was left behind so I became a Runner for the Allied forces, to the Reds the Civil War is over and the Whites are nothing more then just a Insurgency and their true enemy is the Allies, I'm brining a message to White Army command in the City of Tsarityn, I hope I'll survive this war and flee to my home' After writing, the Czechoslovak Legion Member pulled his scarf off while he rode his horse through snow.

His name being Jan Ales a member of the Czechslovak Legion now a Runner for the White Movement.

After being tasked by British Forces in the Baltic to send a message to White Army in Tsaritysn that the Naval Blockade is lifted and transport of grain and weapons will be arriving.

He looked around as it was a quiet night with the moonlight guiding his path. The sound of distant firing and explosives rang in his ears, Jan has traveled from the South, East and North parts of Russia.

Japan has left Siberia to battle the Far East of the Soviet Union while American, Chinese, Greek and some Italian Troops remain in Siberia.

British Troops up north in the Baltic Sea preventing the Soviet's Navy from leaving and the Main Front had trenches built as more Troops have died either in Tanks, Mechs, Planes or even on foot.

Jan halted his horse as he built a fire and made some cooked meat which he ate. Jan lean against a tree and went to sleep.

By the Morning he resume his travel for Tsaritysn while on Horseback. The sounds of battle gotten louder and more close.

Jan looked to see far Soviet Tank the newly created T-00 Heavy Tank, it has treads and bulky armor with a heavy cannon turret.

The T-00 was one of the newest Armored vehicles created during the War. It fired it's cannon at the positioned Artillery which rain down shells on the Red Army.

Jan stood over a hill to oversee the battle, Red Army Troops charging while Armored vehicles and a Dozen of Mechs roamed. The city of Tsaritsyn waves it's Flag of the Russian Republic high in defiance despite the odds.

Jan rode down luckily his Uniform made him look to be Russian so he could blend in among the Red Army.

"Mother Russia needs you comrades! once Tsaritsyn falls! we shall regroup with our Comrades and push those foreign bastards out of Mother Russia!" One Red Army General shouted.

Jan spur his horse making it gallop faster through the chaos of the battle as he reached near one of the walls and made it into a stable where he put his horse away and ran inside.

Tsaritysn once pride of the Russian Empire now stands as a city of resistance against the Soviet Union. White Army Troops defended it along with Volunteers from America, Britain, France, Saxony, Prussia and other Anti Communist Volunteers.

Jan ran through the city as the Volunteers ran to rebuild the defences while moving the wounded and dead. "I have a message for General Igor!" Jan said.

General Igor was a old looking man with a red beard smoking from a wooden pipe. "Message?" He asked.

"News Sir, British Fleet have taken the Baltic Sea and made a path for weapons and food to be brought to Tsaritysn" Jan says. "Hmm..Lenin has focused his attention to the West leaving his General Krebs a former German General turned Communist in charge of the attack on Tsaritysn, General Krebs seems to get more desperate as we were able to five them off at least five times..."

"Five Times Sir?" Jan asked, "Da..if Weapons and Food can be brought to us in time we might be able to continue the fight however their Planes have harassed our skies for Days end and their Baba Yaga have killed more then two hundred of my troops...Lady Anastasia while she's in exile with her family she has kept our morale high" General Igor smoked one more.

"What is your name?" He asked, "Jan Ales, Czechslovak Legion Member I'm currently serving as a Runner for Allied Forces"

"Your quite young looking Comrade, tell me where are you from" Igor questioned, "I'm a Czech Sir, I was born in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire but from what I heard the Czechslovak Legion have created a Nation of their own Czechoslovakia Republic but they taken a form of neutrality"

"Why haven't you joined them?" Igor asked, "I was left behind Sir no purpose of course so I'm hoping once my service as a runner ends I can go to see Czechoslovakia for myself" Jan explained to which Igor chuckled patted his back.

"I see such youth thank you for bringing this message when can we except food and ammo?" Igor asked once again.

"Within two Weeks Sir" Jan said.

After the message was brought to Tsaritsyn, the White Army continue their fight against the Red Army being lead by General Krebs.

Field Artillery fired one of it's shell destroying a Baba Yaga which was hiding in the trees. When the sound of planes were growing close the White Army ran for their Machine guns and begin firing.

Downing two to ten Planes, Jan looked through his Binoculars while assisting the Artillery. "Tanks coming in!" Jan said as the Artillery field guns turned into the direction then fired at the incoming Soviet Tanks.

Jan lowered the binoculars as the Red Army planned a retreat as Tsaritysn cheered over another victory. Jan stepped down and went to write down in his journal.