Chapter 18, Don't shoot the Messenger

'In only half of a Month Tsaritsyn was hit by the Ksusha, I don't know how long the City will stand against the Red Army but I have to warn our Allies...' Jan wrote down then wiped his eyes.

'I want to go home to this new nation called Czechslovakia to be among them...I'm scared and alone...' Jan rode his horse through the fields of a previous battle as destroyed Tanks and Mechs lay.

Not far he can hear bullets and explosions going off so Jan must try to avoid any battle. Jan only has a Rifle, Pistol and a Saber.

He only has a horse for transportation while Planes, Ships, Tanks and Mechs are bringing Troops and Weapons to the front.

As Jan made his wave over a still standing wooden bridge he came across some Red Army Soldiers making Camp.

His heart sank quickly as he halted his horse and they came over to him weapons ready. "Comrade where are you going?" One asked.

"M-Moscow to deliver a message...Enemy Bombers are coming to flatten the city" He says hoping to lie his way out.

"Moscow? Your Czechslovak Da?" He asked, Jan nodded while secretly reaching for his pistol. "Who sent you?"

"109th Regiment" Jan said, "109th? you traveled all the way from the Far East? you have Drive Comrade go on ahead but be careful Capitalist Pigs have placed Snipers in the area we are awaiting for 2nd Armored Divison so we smash through the British Lines and link up with our trapped Comrades"

Jan nodded then moved his horse out of the Bolshevik Camp. Jan wiped his sweat while his heart pounded in his chest he's lucky he lied his way out.

But unsure if his lie would still work Jan spurred the horse as it galloped faster. Jan felt his breathing get heavy while the horse galloped faster it's hooves clopping against the ground.

Far East? Jan is aware of the Far East Republic a buffer state used against the Japanese Army during the war, Jan has heard stories on the brutality.

Japanese Soldiers charging with Bayonets and their Shogun Mechs against the Red Army. From what Jan heard the Japanese have made great progress against the Red Army taking a couple of towns.

"Snipers hopefully they won't shot me...Who am I kidding they just might" Jan says worried. As he went down the road then halted his horse.

Jan held the reins slowly walking his horse and check the area for any danger. Once it looked cleared Jan sighed relief only to be ambushed by Armed Peasants.

"W-Wait! don't shoot! I'm not Red! I'm not Red!" He said. One of the individuals went him armed with a M1911 pistol aimed at his head. It was a woman with an eye patch wearing Imperial Military Uniform.

"Not a Red?" She asked, "I'm a Messenger for the Allies! I'm a Czechslovak Legion Member" Jan says.

"Natalia! it checks out he's got letter from General Igor" One of the Armed Peasants said. Natalia lower her gun and asked "What news did Igor bring?"

"Tsaritysn stands for now but it's heavily damaged, the Bolsheviks used the Tsar's Airship to destroy much of the city, General Igor needs help" Jan says.

Natalia motion for her Militia lower their Arms, "I'm Natalia these are my Militia" "You Imperial?" Jan asked.

"Former member of the Battalion of Death current leader to these people" She showed off not only her Militia but groups of Civilians who were hiding.

"Jan Ales" He says as they shake hands.

"Forgive me but with Bolsheviks everywhere you can never be to careful not just them but others who only care for themselves" She says leading Jan back to their Camp.

Jan was lead to an old hidden Bunker armed with plenty of Militia and other people. "Ever since the Second War began, I defected from the Red Army after the continuously massacre of our people...I thought I was fighting for Mother Russia but I was fighting for another Dictator" Natalia says.

"And with the Bolsheviks focusing on the West they were able to leave us alone but we continue to be harassed by constant fighting around us either by the Reds and the Allies or some other Group against the Reds" She says.

"Yes I can see I'm being sent so a Link up can happen and Tsaritsyn may survive" Jan says then notices some of the Militia were also Imperial Troops bearing the Romanoff Family Crest on their Uniforms.

"Your men...are they Royal Guards?" Jan asked, "Da they are ever since the Tsar fled with his family to Sweden Lady Anastasia has kept in contact with us keeping our Strength alive so those Loyal to Russia such as myself formed the Duchess's Royal Army we are Imperial Soldiers, Militia, Former Bolsheviks and others who wish to see our Lady Anastasia take the throne" Natalia says.

"How can I help?" Jan asked, "We need a supplies just enough so we can relocate to a safer area, my Scouts found a barn filled with enough food but it's been guarded by the Bolsheviks we're planning a night raid" She says.

"I can help" Jan said, "You sure?" Natalia questioned which Jan nodded, "Very well Comrade"

While they waited for the night, they begin planning their attack and armed themselves.

Jan noticed one of the Soldiers carrying a Hand held Rocket Launcher weapon which peaked his interest. "What's that?" He asked.

"That's the I-80 Launcher an Anti Tank weapon which was meant to be used during the Great War but you know...The Tsar abdicate it can destroy Tanks even a Mech" Natalia says.

"The world is changing as long as we are using Mechs we're going to make Mechs that become greater and Weapons that can destroy them" She says, Jan noted she's very right.

Natalia, Jan and her Troops made their way to the Occupied Barn as Red Army Guards patrolled the area.

Two Iron Bears roamed while the a Field Cannon stood outside. Natalia order one of her Troops carrying the I-80 Launcher to move up and prepare to fire.

One the Launcher was prepared, smoke exited the barrel as the rocket popped out and flew at Iron Bear completely destroying it.

The Guards ran for their weapons as Natalia and her group begin to fire at them. The second Iron Bear was destroyed by a second rocket.

As the area looked to be cleared, Natalia with Jan and her group ran into the Barn. Filling their bags full of Cans, Bread, Medicine, Ammo.

"They have trucks here" One said climbing inside as they filled up some of the Trucks full of supplies before taking off.

"Well done Comrades these supplies shall help us on our Exodus" Natalia said as they cheered. Jan rubbed his eyes but smiled regardless.

"Thank you Comrade Jan" "Of course" The two shook hands.