Kim Eun-ji*

A brief warning considering that people seem to ignore the opening words and are just rude to me, it's no secret that I don't know English very well and the story is paused exactly to review to deliver a better product. Please, if you're just going to call me trash or whatever, don't comment and forget that this story exists.


It was lunchtime for the employees working for the Kim's companies, and whispers and gossip had been constant since early that day.

The imaginable happened, and those concrete walls could barely contain the anxiety for news.

News spreads fast, especially when it involves your boss.

Kim Dong-hae had officially resigned from his position as vice president, and many rumors and speculations arose in a brief attempt to explain the sudden departure of the powerful man.

The Kim companies were a major real estate company in Seoul, and their influence spread throughout Korea and parts of Asia.

Dong-hae is the third of five children, being the second eldest son.

The Kim family was led by Kim Do-yun, who was both father and president; as majority shareholder, he still called the shots in the company.

Even though he now knew that his idiotic son had done nothing but cause trouble.

Dong-hae's departure was the result of an internal investigation by Do-yun into the company's financial books.

With some effort, he managed to trace a strange money movement to numerous foreign accounts, all leading to one person: Kim Dong-hae.

His idiotic son was stealing from him.

The only one who had shown interest in the family business was actually only interested in stealing it.

The old man was already 70 years old, and his retirement was ready to be announced; it was a stroke of luck to discover so many problems while he was still active in his own company.

The chaos would be even worse, if that were possible, if Dong-hae were to take over the business definitively.

Obviously, news of the resignation was already circulating among the employees, but it was only a matter of time before it was announced by the media and worse things arose.

The cafeteria was usually bustling and full of lively voices, and that afternoon was not much different.

The big difference was that the reason for all the gossip involved the boss... Ex-boss?

Two employees were talking to each other about the rumors they had heard all day while they ate. "I heard that the vice president is being investigated for embezzlement... Can you believe it?"

The woman listened attentively and widened her eyes in astonishment. "The handsome tattooed guy?"

She made a strong effort not to spit out all her noodles.

She clearly had in mind Donghae's masculine and athletic physique! A hottie!

Well, a hottie who looks more like a mobster, but still a hot man.

Donghae always wore tight-fitting formal clothes that strongly emphasized his muscles; there was no denying that he was a strong man. Tall and strong.

"Exactly! I always found him terrifying, but he is..." The person looked around to make sure no one would hear what he was about to say.

Although gossip strengthens the individual, it could also be their downfall... I still want a salary at the end of the month!

His voice trailed off into a frightened and slender whisper. "... A criminal."

The woman leaned towards the man on the other side of the table and whispered cautiously as well. "Who do you think will take over the companies? Mr. Kim seems to be close to retirement."

They definitely couldn't be less suspicious.

No one really cared who they were talking about, but they continued to live in their respective little worlds.

It's all right.

The man became pensive, he wouldn't know how to answer. No one would know how to answer besides Kim Do-yun. "He seems to have another son, but she barely graduated from college..."

It was no secret that Do-yun was a man with many children and all of them seemed very successful in their respective fields. The man adopted four children before he could have his first biological daughter: Kim Eun-ji.

The woman sighed tiredly; she still had a lot to do after lunch; who cares about rich people's problems?! She shouldn't. "Rich people have complicated problems."


Meanwhile, on the top floor of the huge building, a heated meeting was taking place.

Kim Do-yun ordered an urgent meeting to be held with the other shareholders; everyone felt uneasy about what was happening, and things would only get worse.

One of the shareholders had received the notice that the story had already leaked and it wouldn't take long to be broadcast on major news channels, said and done.

They could feel their bodies losing life as they watched the news anchor's words.

"Kim Dong-hae has just resigned from his position as vice president of the major company Kim's; many wonder who is fit for the position and will accept the bold mission of trying to save the company from bankruptcy. After nearly 20 years dominating the market, this is the first time it has faced such a major crisis. Its stocks already show depreciation, and the forecast is that they will close the day in decline..."

The television was abruptly turned off.

The silence was desperate and frightening... They were on the brink of bankruptcy overnight. A loud sigh was heard.

Kim Do-yun ran his hand over his face as a way to calm himself. In vain. He was getting more and more angry; anyone who looked at him could easily see his reddened eyes; he was completely enraged. "What Dong-hae did was destroy my entire legacy..."

The old man at the head of the huge table wanted to kick, scream, and tantrum. His nerves were fried.

A loud and strong sound was present, scaring everyone; old Kim simply punched the glass table.

One of the shareholders near him tried to reassure him. "Mr. Kim, we understand your anger, but Miss Eun-ji is too young to take over the presidency."

Reality was too harsh, and everyone there thought the old man had gone mad; he wanted to appoint his youngest daughter as vice president; the girl had barely finished her economics degree, and she had never really worked in an administrative position in the company. Do-yun just closed his eyes and loosened his tie; he felt like he was suffocating. "I don't care; I've already transferred my shares to her."

"But sir..."

Men and women whispered to each other completely shocked to learn that the little girl was now basically the owner of the company.

The old man didn't care anymore; only those who were blood of his blood could destroy him. "I'm not asking you to choose her; I'm warning you that she will be your new boss..."

The meeting didn't take long to be interrupted by a knocking sound; someone was knocking on the door. "Come in..."

A woman appeared, and everyone knew she was Kim Do-yun's secretary; she briefly opened the door and bowed in respect. "Miss Eun-ji has just arrived from her trip and is already outside waiting to come in."

The man sighed in relief; she was finally back. "Ask her to come in."

"All right."

The door wasn't even closed, and heels could be heard along with the dragging of a suitcase.

Eun-ji didn't have time to change clothes and came in the same ones she had worn on her trip. She dressed casually and only had a blazer giving her some authority.

The young girl walked up to her father, and he stood up to hug her.


The man drastically changed his behavior upon seeing his daughter, as gentle as a little dog seeing its owner after a long time. He really seemed like a loving father at that moment. "Good morning, dear, how was the trip?"

She smiled, feeling amused. "Are you deciding to be a good father now? Reporters were waiting for me; do they already know the news?"

The old man particularly hated newspapers and reporters; to him, they sounded like desperate parasites for food. "Who knows about these vermin..."

Everyone watched father and daughter interact, and the old man took advantage of the attention on them. "Please, introduce yourself..."


The young girl finally let go of her suitcase and sat in the chair where her father had been sitting. She was so bold that she made everyone want to scream for respect. But she didn't care.

"My name is Kim Eun-ji, and I am the new president of Kim's. I hope we can work in a friendly manner... Or I will really have to fix things more definitively, and I don't think you want that... For those who are bothered, I'll be waiting for resignation letters tomorrow; if you want to sell your shares, do it... But it won't be worth more than bread crumbs."

Her voice was hoarse and firm; she didn't raise her voice, and everyone seemed to feel their bodies freeze in her presence. That girl seemed like the devil.

A few men dared to look at her, and only one had the courage to greet her. "Welcome, Miss Kim."

The young woman just smiled satisfied; for her, that was already a great start.