New secretary?*

"Eunji easily fell asleep after the short meal. The journey from London to Seoul felt like an eternity, and she could feel her whole body aching, even though she had traveled first class.

During the grueling journey, she reviewed various documents and reports, and the reality was more frustrating than she had anticipated.

Donghae caused significant damage within the company, and fixing it would be extremely problematic without major changes.

Today marked not only Eunji's official assumption of the presidency but also her father's retirement announcement. She was pleased to know that she could work in peace, without her father glued to her side every day.

She dried her blonde strands while contemplating her wardrobe; she needed to update it. There were too many clothes suited for a college student and too few for a company president.

She selected one of her best suits and put it on. Though she particularly preferred dresses and skirts, wearing a tailored suit and pants was still extremely satisfying.

Her outfit was relatively simple: a tailored suit and pants with a white linen shirt.

After applying some light makeup, she was ready to go. The hotel where she would be staying for the week was neat and clean, to say the least. It was a luxury hotel.

Every step she took, she could hear employees greeting her. She sighed wearily, put on her sunglasses, and pretended not to notice.

Her temporary driver was already anxiously awaiting her. In a few minutes, they arrived at the company, where a crowd of reporters swarmed at the door of the building.

She quickly grabbed her phone and called someone. "Have security guards come with dogs and disperse these reporters. I'm not in the mood for interviews."

As she hung up the phone, she glanced at her wristwatch. It wouldn't be long before a crowd of security guards accompanied by large dogs appeared, frightening the journalists with their loud barking.

Eunji elegantly exited the car, ignoring the reporters who clamored for her attention. She walked freely, as some voices resounded in search of something exclusive.

Upon entering the building, she was met with a small crowd trapped in pure curiosity. She ignored them, knowing she would be introduced to all the employees later in the week.

Approaching the front desk, she addressed a young man. It was no exaggeration to say that Kim Eunji attracted everyone's attention; she was young and beautiful, with cool, elegant features.

The young man felt confused; of course, he would deliver the message, but who was she, anyway? Eunji noticed the boy's confusion and sighed. "Say this is an order from Kim Eunji."

The surname Kim resonated like piercing needles. She was his boss! The poor boy couldn't hide his astonished expression. "Y-yes, ma'am."

Eunji disliked too much attention; it was irritating. She made a mental note to buy treats for the dogs later; they would definitely appreciate it.

As she walked slowly towards the elevator, curious and frightened looks followed her. Would she be the new vice president?

The elevator doors quickly opened, and she entered alone. No one dared to accompany her; they simply stared as the doors closed.

Eunji wasn't one to have many demands, but she disliked disorganization. Seeing some employees' desks completely messy made her feel bewildered.

Finally, she arrived at the president's room, a space that once belonged to her father and now belonged exclusively to her.

She knocked twice on the door and heard a faint call to enter.

Her father, as always, was one of the first to arrive at the company. He seemed to converse in an amused tone with his secretary and wife, almost like a family reunion.

Old Kim hugged his daughter warmly, and Eunji could smell his familiar citrusy scent.

Mom Kim approached her daughter, tapping her on the shoulder. "Today is your first day; are you okay?"

"Yes, I am... Do I already have a secretary?"

"Yes, he's already waiting for you."

Eunji appreciated the concern but wanted to get to work right away. She sat on the sofa in the large living room, observing as the others talked.

After sorting out all the details for the day's announcements, Eunji would officially be the new president of Kim's company.

Mom Kim was pleased to have her husband with her more and already had numerous travel plans. They would likely have their first honeymoon in 30 years.

The room fell silent after everyone left, and she fiddled with her cell phone, waiting for her new secretary.

Finally, she heard a knock on her door. "Come in."

A man in his thirties appeared. "Miss Kim?"

"Are you the new secretary?"

"Yes, I'm your new secretary. My name is..."

Eunji interrupted him. "Okay, have you been briefed on what I need?"

The man nodded frantically.

Mr. Kim had hired him a week ago, and he had these few days to understand all of Eunji's habits and needs.

The new secretary was already aware that his new boss was someone complicated, and he kept his thoughts to himself.

"Yes, I'm already aware of everything."

She nodded as her computer booted up. "Great, just bring all the paperwork in, and let's get to work."

She handed him a black credit card. "Grab two coffees, one for me and one for you."

"It's not necessary..."

"Just do as I say."

He left with hurried steps, and she smiled at the scene, finding it amusing."