
Hye-jin could feel her hair blowing in the wind as she swerved and accelerated through the cars without shame or difficulty.

A woman with her motorcycle doesn't want war with anyone.

Hye-jin had more cars and disguises than she could count on her fingers, and it would be troublesome if they knew where she parks all of them. After all, an ice cream truck next to a Ferrari and a racing car didn't make any sense.

Jeon was the woman of the impossible, having already killed in every imaginable way. Of course, the client could choose, but if she left it to her own, the marked bullets were the only valid option.

Hye-jin, the tax-paying citizen, has only a laundry room and a motorcycle; that's what her uncles know. So, she always had to keep a close eye on that detail.

The starry night looked inviting, and she was ready for a good meal.

Yes, the moon and stars were especially beautiful that night.

After about half an hour on the motorcycle, she finally arrived at the house where she lived with her aunt and uncle.

She could make out the tables full of people from afar; apparently, business was going well.

She smiled to herself.

Hye-jin was already someone who drew a lot of attention, but her motorcycle managed to be just as flashy.

People stopped eating and talking to face the strange woman's arrival next to the roar of the engine.

For the most loyal customers, it was little Hye-jin. Some grinned as they saw the little child now as a beautiful woman.

Hye-jin parked her soothing motorbike, and her aunt grabbed her in a tight hug.

Aunt An was a strong and funny woman; Hye-jin's mother was her sister. She never had children, but her niece already took up all her space.

"Darling! You came early today. Did you come to help us?"

Hye-jin smiled as she hugged her back.


One of the loyal customers barely let young Jeon off the motorcycle and shouted her name.

"Hye-jin, bring me a bottle of hot soju!"

Hye-jin smiled. "Of course, sir Yoon."

Mr. Yoon was the owner of a bakery close to his uncles' restaurant and was one of the people who helped the family the most when his uncles' financial situation became precarious.

Hye-jin's uncles struggled for a long time to open their restaurant, and then the biggest difficulty was maintaining it. Hye-jin's mother's illness meant that she didn't have much money left, and the situation only got worse for a while.

Hye-jin stared at the crowded tables full of food, feeling happy. It took her uncles many years to get the restaurant up and running and make a profit; the first few years were really difficult.

"Friday, and the movement is always good."

She put her helmet inside a closet while her aunt wore an apron on her. "You come here wearing these expensive clothes..."

"Clothes, dear aunt?"

Hye-jin briefly glanced at her outfit; had she worn any clothes by mistake? Well, even if she put together all the pieces of clothing she was wearing, it wouldn't cost more than 100 dollars.

She grabbed a hair elastic and quickly pinned her hair.

"Sure, were you on a date?"

Aunt An's dream was to see Hye-jin married, but she would be happy if she at least got a boyfriend. Since her sister died, she fears that her niece will be completely alone in the world, after all, life is like a breath: light and fleeting.

Hye-jin smiled funny; in theory, she was on a date with several children with a runny nose and a swollen face from crying.

"Something like."

Aunt An had it within her heart that her little Hye-jin didn't like boys. Well, should that be a problem? For her, it stopped being a problem at least 3 years ago, and now she just felt nervous to see such a beautiful girl completely alone and single.

Hye-jin was getting old and stranded.

Was it her temper?

Did she frighten even the girls?

And wouldn't the boys be interested in that angelic smile?

What was this girl's problem?

Aunt An approached her niece lightly and whispered. "You know I don't care if it's male or female..."

Young Jeon could feel her hot face; how could her aunt say something so shameful?! She wasn't that old yet... At least she thinks she wasn't that old.

"Aunt An!"

"Girl, you need to be happy, try to find someone! When your uncle and I die, will you be alone?"

A dish towel flew across the kitchen, hitting Hye-jin squarely in the face.

"Auntie! Don't talk nonsense."

"Come on, take Mister Yoon's soju."

Hye-jin helped her uncles deal with customers all night.

The best part was ending the night with a cold beer and meat.

Hye-jin slept like a baby, and Eunji didn't.

Eun-ji spent the night awake with Mi Joo.

Her blouse was now completely ripped, and she wouldn't have time to stop by the hotel she was staying at.

"I'll borrow some clothes."

Mi Joo watched Eun-ji's slender body amidst her sheets.

The girl looked more mature and beautiful, her features stronger than the last time she saw her.

She stared at the bare back that now had a large arrangement of cherry blossoms tattooed on it.

"When did you get that tattoo?"

Eunji was shorter and thinner than Mi Joo, so anything she wore would be left over. She looked for the most formal outfit possible for another day of work.

"Must be a year or two ago."

Eunji tied her hair in a ponytail and grabbed a black dress shirt; that would do for now.

She picked up her things and stared at her reflection in a mirror.

She looked pale, picked up her lipstick, and put some color on her lips.

She didn't know exactly what Mi Joo was talking about, but she would leave her talking to herself. She had a lot of work to do.

"...Which hurt more? Staying away from me or getting this tattoo?"

Eun-ji looked back at Mi Joo for a few seconds and pretended to be thoughtful. She smiled mischievously. She wouldn't answer that she hurt the tattoo more.


Mi Joo threw a pillow towards Eun-ji; they clearly had a good friendship. Maybe too good.

"I'm going."

Mi Joo took care of her bar, and it was open every day, but going out on a Saturday morning to work was too much for her.

She felt sleepy and bored just thinking about leaving the house right now. "Today is Saturday."

"Tomorrow is Sunday, and then it's Monday. I'll be working overtime this month."


Eunji finally opened the door and left.

Mi Joo stared at the now-closed door and let out a sigh.

That son of a bitch hasn't changed even a comma in these last few years.

But until her outfit looked really good on her, she smiled contentedly.