Cruel as the devil.*

Here's the corrected version of your text:

Eunji was calmly eating her ham sandwich with hot coffee.

She could feel the salt breathing new life into her body.

She stared at her computer screen; it was time for her meeting. She smiled, satisfied.

Junseo sipped his coffee in complete silence as he watched his boss finish eating. He knew the morning would be lively. Very lively.

"They must have already arrived... Is everything ready?"

He nodded, confirming what she wanted to know. "Yeah."

In response, she received a beautiful smile... He always had a bad feeling when she smiled. It made him shiver.

Young Kim finally got up, and in a few seconds, she was already heading for the meeting room.

The truth was that the former president, Eunji's father, had discovered a big money embezzlement scheme, but he hadn't been able to know the names of everyone involved in that huge scheme.

Little Kim not only found out, but she seemed to have enough in her hands to make anyone leave Korean soil immediately.

She made a point of delaying five minutes to make sure everyone was annoyed when they stared at her. Always so fake and annoying... She would finish them all.

Eunji didn't care about revenge, but it seemed to be a purpose at that moment.

She could camouflage her greed with that term for now.

Inside the meeting room were five gray-haired men who had been called to this exclusive meeting.

Some were dressed in sportswear, ready to go to their weekly tennis match. Others were ready to go with their families to their beach houses and enjoy the weekend.

She smiled at the sight of them, and they couldn't hide their dissatisfaction at being there.

She sat in the chair at the end of the table. They knew very well that she ran and ran in that place as if she were playing with dolls.

She really was, and she liked that joke.

"Good morning, gentlemen."

One of the older ones smiled cordially as he tried not to look at his watch; he had a flight in less than two hours. "Why such an early meeting, Miss Eunji? Did something urgent happen?"

Eunji smiled and just pointed at Junseo.

The secretary placed a huge pile of documents on the table. "For that."

He smiled, feeling funny. That girl was really ungrateful. "Okay, a lot of paper... Could you tell us what's in there?"

"Of course, I'll cut to the chase... I want you to transfer your shares to me."

Eunji spoke naturally as she leaned back against the comfortable chair. Her father had a good taste in furniture, she had to admit.

The men exchanged glances with each other, feeling confused and amused. Had she lost all sense of the ridiculous? They laughed shamelessly, as if they were in a comedy show and Eunji was the clown. "It seems that power has made you lose touch with reality."

She laughed briefly along with them. She laced her fingers together and rested her chin on them. She briefly glanced at Junseo, and the projector turned on, displaying a presentation with photos and videos before everyone.

She not only discovered embezzlement, but also countless mistresses, illegitimate children, drug scandals, and prostitution. There was everything.

"Same? So should I hand these documents over to the police and tell them that you were coordinating a money diversion scheme with Dong-hae?"

She didn't care what they did in their personal lives, but that didn't mean she wouldn't use it to threaten them.

She turned her chair to face the images and laughed in satisfaction. "Well... it's a shame it's so early for popcorn. Doesn't that look fun to watch?!"

As she pointed at the images, she could see the pale faces of the men present.

They were completely panicked.

"You know, I know your story well with the Kim company, and you guys helped my dad for so long, right?! I believe that if you sell me the shares, we will save time and many other things. What do you think?"

Eunji did not intend to buy any shares; she would use the embezzled money as payment.

The men remained silent, completely stunned by what was happening.

Junseo started handing out papers and pens. They should sign right there and then.

Here's the corrected version of your text:

"I wouldn't really use these things against you, but did you need to support Donghae? It just didn't seem fair for him to just leave... Don't you think you're in profit? I will forget about any disagreement between us, and you can still keep the money you took from the company."

Some already wrote their names among the papers, and others tried to read the contract in a last attempt to maintain their place of power within that company.

In vain.

In just over half an hour, Eunji was the largest shareholder in the Kim company, owning no more than 70% of the company.

Eunji watched the now empty meeting room; she knew it would be the most talked-about topic within the company, and everyone would discuss what she was doing. But who cares?!

She smiled victoriously.

"Junseo, let all departments know that we will be having a general meeting in the cafeteria after lunch."

He agreed, already going to the phone to communicate with the department heads.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the Kim building, a line of taxis was present, waiting anxiously for a call.

Hyejin took advantage of the absence of Eunji to cut her nails... She was taking the thought of biting a few necks seriously.

She could hear Mark singing some song as he painted. There wasn't much to be done; they didn't have the cameras inside the building, and outside, there weren't any living souls that interested them. "...É dolce il suo respiro fra i pensieri miei... Hyejin, are the bullets ready?"

"They should be ready soon; it was an order for 6 bullets, so it should take a while."

He laughed, finding it amusing. That seemed like a really big request; Eunji only had one head, so why so many bullets? "You never use more than one."

"I know."

Hyejin wasn't very good at marksmanship when she started using firearms, but over time, she seemed to get the hang of it. But she liked to kill without leaving the slightest chance of survival, so killing at point-blank range was her first choice, and when she chose to act in such a way, it didn't take much more than one shot.

"What are you going to do with the extras?"

She smiled at her now short nails. "Have you ever seen a cat have only one life?"

Hyejin didn't expect the job to be easy or for it to be done in less than a week; she had a feeling she would be running out of time.

While Hyejin was attentive to her nails and her kill plan, she didn't notice that a customer was knocking on the window glass to use the taxi.

She was abruptly pulled out of her dreams by the knocking and quickly turned her attention to the man who was now opening the door and taking a seat in one of the back seats of the car. Was she really going to have to pretend to be a cab driver?

"Please take me to xxx street."

Not only was she surprised, but Mark was too.

It was literally on the other side of town.

Young Jeon swallowed all the hatred in her heart and smiled gently at the customer. "Of course."

She started the car and just accelerated.

Yes, she really hated Mark.

Time passed quickly, and lunchtime was finally over.

Even though Eunji was introduced by her father, she didn't even leave her office to talk to her new employees. Few had seen her face, and all they knew were rumors.

In the very center of the cafeteria, a small structure was being installed so that she could speak, and everyone could see her.

When she was finally ready, there was silence, so intimidating.

Footsteps resounded through the place, and some whispers dared to emerge.

Young Kim could finally be observed and beheld in her full beauty and exuberance. Men and women felt their hearts flutter in excitement and fear.

Kim Eunji was more beautiful than they said.

She was accompanied by her secretary and at least a dozen other people, all following dutifully.

The new president smiled at her employees and took the opportunity to finally address them. "Good afternoon. As you may know, I am the new president. My dad talked about me in his retirement speech, and I think you might remember... I'm here to let you know that in the next few months, we'll have a makeover... Some people will be laid off, others hired, and some promoted or retired. Do your best at your posts if you want to make a good impression and keep your jobs..."

The various unknown people lined up next to her, and she pointed at them. "... These people will be responsible for observing each department; they will be my eyes and ears. I also know that not all the employees are here, so when Monday arrives, let your colleagues know... You can take the rest of the day off."

She finished speaking and whispered something in Junseo's ear.

Quickly, she was out of the cafeteria, leaving a trail of confused feelings among the people who remained there, static in fear of the uncertain future.

But one thing was for sure: Eunji was as beautiful as sin and as cruel as the devil.