Ch 2 : To Become A Big Star!

Raw in MTLNovel : "Lu Yin Silly Waist"


Yi Le is from 'Football City'-Dalin, China.

Originally, Yi Le is not mentally retarded. He was just a poor learner, and he was more honest, but it was not due to IQ.

It was only at a certain chance that he became a hangman, but this hangman was a bit pitman. (I don't know what the f*** the author's talking about. A chinese saying maybe?)

Now almost all of his body points are digitized. If he wants to enhance a certain value, then he needs to consume his IQ.

Just like this, Yi Le, who has a hot brain, almost drained his IQ and became a fool directly.

Fortunately, the system forced to interrupt the upgrade process, otherwise Yi Le would not appear in La Masia, but in the hospital.

Now, in front of him, the youth training director was speaking, but Yi Le was obviously didn't focus, one of the sequelae of IQ owes. He had difficulty focusing his attention except playing football.

Today, a virtual picture appeared in front of him.

Body: 65

Physical fitness: 69

Shot: 50

Dribbling: 80

Vision: 90

Passing: 91

This is a virtual panel with a one-hundred-point system, and on the "vision" and "passing" is 90 points, and the dribbling is also a good 80 points. This is the data after adding points.

As for physical fitness, body and shooting are raw data, plus the results of two years of training in La Masia.

Looked blankly for a while, and Yi Le started to lose his mind even when looking at the data panel.

His eyes were dull, his mouth slightly open, and if a crystal clear liquid came out of the corner of his mouth, he would be a fully retarded person.

Suddenly, Yi Le felt someone stab his waist.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw his friend Koster Ben squinting at himself.

Yi Le tilted his head, wondering: "Ben, are your eyes sick?"

Koster's face was black, and the other teenagers laughed.

And the youth training director can only said helplessly: "Yi, I am calling you."

Yi Le turned his head to look at the youth training director, and said cutely, "Oh!"

The youth training director grinned and shook his head helplessly: "Yi Le, you come with me."

Finished, turned and left.


Yi Le got up and followed the director step by step.


In the office, the youth training supervisor looked at the little guy who was distracted again.

This genius commander who was supposed to be the perfect successor of 'Xavi', who should have been in the midfield of Camp Nou, now fate has made a big joke with him.

"Easy, the club decided that you were abandoned."

Yile: "Oh!"

The youth training director's eyes were full of helplessness, adding again: "In the future, you can no longer come to La Masia to train."

Yile suddenly recovered, and the young face was full of grievances, and his voice was trembling: "M ... Grandpa Miranda, you ... you don't want me anymore?"

The youth training director's eyes were full of pain. After two years of care and careful cultivation, he has regarded Yi Le as his grandson, and now he had to leave the big family of La Masia, and he is full of regret.

Looked at the silent Miranda, Yi Le even more flustered.

"I... Am I doing something wrong?"

Miranda looked at Yi Le's frightened face, couldn't help sighing, got up and walked over, gently hugged him.

Holding Yi Le, feeling the other person's trembling body, Miranda complexly said: "Yi, what I am saying now, you have to keep in mind firmly."

Yi Le nodded again and again, forcing himself to concentrate.

"There is only one way you could've go home!"

Miranda looked at Yi Le seriously and said: "I will arrange trial training for you. All you have to do is to integrate into the team, sit firmly, become famous, and become a big star, so you can go back home, understand Yet?"

"Uh huh."

Yi Le nodded again and again and secretly repeated.

I want to integrate into the team, sit firmly, become famous, and become a big star.


That's right!

I want ... Huh? Um ... I want to be a big star?


This day, Barcelona drizzled.

The gloomy weather seemed to be particularly depressed, and La Masia, which was originally full of energy, seemed to be in a depression.

It's drizzling and at the gate of La Masia, Yi Le was saying goodbye to his friends.

"Goodbye, fool!"

Koster Ben look at Yi Le with a sad face and waved goodbye.

Others also have a sad face. After all, they are children. Although they have a competitive relationship, they will not be happy because Yi Le left. After all, they are not competitive enough to sell their emotions for the benefit.

Yile looked at everyone's sad expression and wondered: "Why are you sad, I just left briefly, Grandpa Miranda said, I can come back as a big star and continue to play with you when the time comes."

Become a big star... All the teenagers look even more sad, how difficult it is to be a professional football… it is even more difficult to become a big star.

And Yi Le's IQ problem, it is still the key to prevent him from continuing to fight in the professional arena.

Looking at what Yi Le took for granted, his friend Koster Ben touched the tears and showed a smile, stretched his fist and said, "I will wait for you!"

Yi Le smiled, but also stretched his fist, the two lightly touched.

Bathed in light rain, Yi Le took the small suitcase out of La Masia.

That little back is so bleak, lonely, and bleak ...

In the youth training camp, Miranda watched Yi Le leave until he could no longer see the other person's figure, and then turned away dimly.


British Peninsula, London.

This is a football capital. As fars as the eyes can see, almost all of them are related to football. It can even be said that there is only football in the eyes of the entire English people.

Walked on a street in London, looking at the dazzling surroundings, Yi Le held a card with an address written in his hand, and blackened his eyes.

Now there is an extremely important problem.

He forgot his team name.

And the address on the card is in English, and he can't understand it. At this time, he can only walk aimlessly on the streets of London, just like a lost teenager.

Suddenly, he saw a crowd of fans wearing blue uniforms passing by on the street. This is a Chelsea fan.

Yile recognized the uniform and couldn't help ran to them, blocked the opponent's road, and handed out his card towards a leading brawny man, then looked at the opponent with a stern face.

The Chelsea fan square stopped, and the strong man as the leader looked at the young man who was stuck in front of him and handed out the card towards himself.

"I'm going here."-Spanish.

Strong man :? ? ?

"I'm going here."-Chinese.

Strong man :? ? ?

Looking at the other person's doubts, Yi Le became more anxious.

Just as Yi Le and the brawny man stared at each other, a young man stepped forward and said to the brawny man: "He said that in Chinese, he said should be lost."

After speaking, the young man stepped forward and smiled, "Are you lost?"

Yi Le listened to the other person speaking Chinese awkwardly, but at least able to communicate, could not help showing a surprised expression, and nodded repeatedly: "Hello Uncle, I'm going here."

Uncle .. Uncle?

The young man's eyes widened, and he felt a while. Although Lao Tzu continued his beard and matured, wouldn't he be called an uncle?

The young man's cheeks twitched and took Yile's card. He glanced and said, "The place you are going to is Dog Island. You need to take a taxi in southeast London."

Then he saw the following line of words and could not help but change his face, said: "Shit! Are you actually a Millwall?"

With the advent of this sentence, those fans immediately showed a trace of disgust.

Yi Le is full of dullness, what's wrong?

Looking at the blue army fans leaving with a sullen face, Yi Le finally let out a sigh of relief. Now he remembered the team's name and called ... Huh? What's it called?

Half an hour later, Yi Le came to Goudao.

It is surrounded by Lake Thames on three sides. The most famous is Canary Wharf, one of the most active financial centers in London.

The Millwall team is located in a training base in the west of Dog Island.

This way, Yi Le walked aimlessly left and right, but finally found the 'Milwall team', and looking at the blue lion emblem, Yi Le walked in with a small suitcase.

But before he could take a few steps, the guard stopped him.


Yi Le's subconsciously stopped, turned his head doubtfully and looked over.

I saw an old man with white hair, wearing a security uniform, looked at Yi Le suspiciously, and said, "Are you a fan?"

Yile can't understand English, and his head is full of black question marks.

But based on the experience along the way, Yi Le passed the card that Miranda gave him directly.

The old security guard glanced and saw his eyes light up because he saw the Barcelona team logo on the recommended position.

This is a young man from La Masia? !

La Masia has been famous for a long time. Although the Barcelona first team doesn't give it a glance, it can be said that it is a treasure for a team like Millwall who is mixed in the British crown.

"Wait a minute ... Neil, the genius of La Masia is here!"