Predestined attraction


I watched as Luke took the seat opposite to mine, his eyes barely leaving mine and making the whole situation seem a lot more awkward than it naturally was.

Each time I forced my gaze from his open chest, my eyes shamelessly came over it again. I saw how neatly his hair was styled, and I was surprised that he didn't even need to style his hair at a salon or something before he looks so goddamn dashing. His eyes seemed to have changed color, they were more of a forest green now, circled with ashes lines at the outer layers of his iries. His lips were slim and lined in a way that you'd rarely see among people here. He was a beautiful man. And I'd really appreciate it if I could stop checking him out already.

He picked up the spoon, his eyes finally leaving me for once to his food and I could finally breathe. I wondered if the food enticed him. As if listening to my thoughts, he looked up and smiled at me, causing my heart to flutter repeatedly.

The erupting silence was getting too awkward for me to bear, I thought I could ask him the question I'd been dying to ask him.

"So," I started, "I realized I don't really know anything about you, yet and.. I'd really like to ask about you. Who are you?"

"I'm Luke " He replied cheerily, and I knew instantly that he was messing with me.

"I mean how did you get here? I mean there." I still haven't given up on the theory that he fell off some ship given the place where I found him.

He watched me for a while, chewing the food in his mouth before dropping the fork and looking to his right. I didn't mean to upset him, but he looked like I just did. Maybe what I just asked him triggered something inside him, I didn't know. But I really didn't mean to upset him and if I could take this question back I would.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. . . " I was saying.

"My friend tried to kill me. Somebody saved me, and I really don't know who he was. I can't remember anything. That night was traumatizing, having seen my sister get killed in front of me. Then I woke up in your house and that's all I can actually remember." He explained.

I instantly felt horrible. I could see the deep pain in his eyes, felt the pain in his voice, and wished I hadn't just asked him. Obviously, he had the worst night of his life before I saved him, and all I was doing was bringing it back.

"I'm sorry, I. . ."

"No, thank you," He cut me off. "I don't know how to thank you, but I will repay your kindness someday." He looked down for a minute, then looked me up again and added. "I'm not really telling you everything, Valerie, and I'm sorry. I will tell you everything you need to know, but I just want you to know that I'd never hurt you."

As I looked into his eyes, I didn't think I'd ever seen so much sincerity before. His eyes were serene, and calm. I could drown in it. I knew there was much more than he was actually telling me, and surprisingly, I'm willing to let it all go.

His once serious face suddenly melted into a smiling one, his eyes seeming to roam over my body and face in a split second, causing my heart to pick a race.

His lips slowly curved into a long smile, and I could swear that was the most sensual smile I'd ever seen a man do.

Smiling, he said, "don't be scared, I won't hurt you."

Something about how he said those words, and how his eyes held mine, made a shiver run down my spine. I felt this tingling sensation at the side of my neck like I could feel his lips there. I'm aware that sounds so stupid, so stupid, but I couldn't help the feeling, couldn't help the thought of a stranger kissing my neck. I felt disappointed in myself, and I quickly made a mental note to see Shelby tomorrow. I needed someone to talk to, and Blake wasn't the right person at the moment.

I forced my gaze away from him, nodded to his last statement and pushed the spoonful of salad I'd been holding up for minutes into my mouth. And I instantly regretted that because I suddenly felt full.

I drew back my chair and stood up.

" I. . . I'm full," was all I said before packing my plates and dropping them off in the kitchen sink. I walked back out and met him still seated on the chair, confusion in his eyes as they watched me.

I chuckled sheepishly and said, "I'm just really tired. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay." He replied with a smile. God he needs to stop smiling like that. Especially at these ungodly hours.

I nodded. "Good night."

"Good night." He replied, his eyes not leaving me for a second.

Slowly I walked towards my room but stopped when I reached his room. The sheets needed changing and some little arrangements like packing up the first aid kit and taking away the water bowl that has been there since yesterday.

I walked inside and quickly walked towards the wardrobe. I pulled it open and picked out a new bedspread. I hurried over to the bed and changed the sheets. I grabbed the bowl and emptied the water on the bathroom sink. I tidied the bedside table where the first aid kit sat open before turning around and noticing the bags I'd given him earlier. He had dropped them next to the dresser table.

I walked over and saw that the clothes were still in the bag. I picked them up and arranged them on hangers inside the wardrobe.

"Thank you." His deep husky voice startled me, and I turned around impulsively to find him leaning against the door, his arms folded across his chest.

I managed a smile, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. He started walking in and I turned around to finish hanging the last shirt. I closed the doors and turned around, only to find him pulling his shirt from his head.

His back was turned to me, so he didn't see me watching him. I stood there, watching him like a teenager secretly watching her hot celebrity crush in a news magazine.

I noticed how his muscles rose and fell as he put his hands up to get the shirt off his torso, how his hair went up and down as the shirt came off, how his biceps flexed as his arms went down again. I watched every little detail.

He turned around and thankfully, I quickly looked away towards the door and started walking toward it, not giving him the slightest idea that I was actually checking him out. Or so I thought.

"Valerie " his call caused me to stop instantly.

I turned around like I was being controlled by a remote.

"I'm sorry to bother you again but could you run the water for me again? I think it might be broken." He said.

"Oh, okay " I replied, before hurrying into the bathroom. I walked into the cubicle and tried turning on the water. It wouldn't turn. It was stuck.

Suddenly, I felt Luke's presence right in front of me, in the small cubicle space.

"It's broken, right?" He asked, his deep voice cracking a bit as he watched the showerhead. I couldn't say a word because my eyes were trained on his bare chest and abs, my mind occupied with it. I wasn't thinking straight, and I knew it. I fucking hated that I was being like this. He was a stranger and the best thing I could do is drool over him? After how long?!

I didn't know he was looking down at me too until I raised my head and my eyes met with his. My breath got caught in my throat, and for the next few seconds, I could hear my haggard unstable breathing.

He closed the distance between us, and his face slowly inched down on mine, causing my heart to beat faster. I didn't know what was happening or what was about to happen, but at that moment, I knew I wasn't gonna leave here, I wasn't gonna stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do.

His lips inches closer to mine, and I just watched him, watched his lips. Gulping really hard and wishing he'd just kiss me and quench the spark of desire inside me but instead, he placed his hand over mine on the showerhead and said, "don't bother about this anymore."

Wait, he wasn't trying to kiss me? How did I read that wrong?

Embarrassed, I quickly pulled my hand from below his and stepped away from his body, nervously wiping my hands on my dress.

I quickly stepped out of the cubicle, and he followed.

"I can skip a bath tonight, thank you," He said but I couldn't bring myself to reply. All I did was just nod my head.

"Good night then," was all I was able to utter before sprinting out of his room and into my room.

As soon as I got into my room, I shut the door and stood there, my chest heaving heavily.

I quickly jumped into the shower and let the cold water knead my skin, hoping to get my mind off everything that just happened but it didn't quite help.

So, I got out of the shower, changed into my Polka dot pajamas, and jumped into bed. I tried to get my mind off everything, but it just seems impossible to stop thinking about everything.

Then I remembered I needed to call my mom. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed her number. She picked up instantly.

"Hey, baby." Her voice always calmed me down and it was all I needed right now. It did calm my nerves.

"Hey mom. How have you been?"

"Really good my dear. How are you?"

"I'm fine mom. I ah. . . . . . Work's good and everything is really great "

"Are you sure you're alright, dear?" She pressed. Could she sense that I was recovering from anxiety over some hot guy that I'm currently harboring in my house?

"Yes, mom I'm alright." For a second I didn't know what else to say and the silence was starting to build. "I've been calling, Jack. He's not picking up mom."

"He'll come around, Valerie dear. He's having a hard time too." She replied.

She was right. He has just started his journey into the adult world and judging from what I had to deal with as a woman, it wouldn't be easy for him.

"You're right, mom. But I wanna tell him something. I have this gala I'm attending soon. It's really gonna be great and I was hoping he'd come with me. Just to get his mind off things for a while."

"Honey, that would be really good for him."

"Yeah, I'll be flying home this Friday."

"Alright, honey."

"I just hope he lets me in, mom. I hope he'd come with me."

"He will, Val. Don't you worry."

"Thanks, mom"

Silence lingered again.


"Yes baby?"

"I love you"

"I love you more baby. I'll always love you."

A genuine smile spread across my face. It had been a really long time since I'd smiled so genuinely.

"Mom, do you remember that wolf we heard howling when I was younger?" I found myself asking after a dead silence. I didn't know what made me ask, I just found it stumbling off my mouth.