A shameless man’s request

Valerie POV

I was about to reply to Luke when my phone rang, and Mr. Angelo's name was displayed broadly on the screen. Shit! Guess I'm running late.

I turned my head back to Luke after rejecting Mr. Angelo's call. "l know you lost your memories, and probably had no one to stay with, but I can't leave you here by yourself. You are still pretty much injured even though you appeared to be fully healed. So, what do you think about staying with Blake until I'm back?" I asked, and waited for his reply.

His response came longer than I expected, but it was a positive answer, and I couldn't be more glad that I had gotten it out of the way.

"Blake is really a nice guy. He wouldn't be in your business for no reason." If there's anything I like most about my best friend, it would be minding his business.

Aside from me, I haven't seen Blake taking his time to indulge in any conversation with anyone or even trying to get to know them. At first, I thought he was a bore, but later, I understood that he just cannot be bothered.

"I haven't discussed this with Blake yet, but I will give him a call on our way to Angelos. He might pick you up there." I told Luke before I proceed towards the door.

He walked closer again and got to the door with his long strides before I could, and I blushed evenly. I bit my lips, and murmured, "thank you."

"Who is Angelo?" Luke's curious voice overlapped the instant we stepped out of the room.

"He is my manager." unfortunately.

I had just replied to Luke when Lydia and Samson walked in. "Good morning, Miss Valerie. Angelo is about to talk my ears off. Are you ready to go?" He asked, but when his eyes settled on Luke, they widened in shock.

The atmosphere became weird for a moment, and I had to take it upon myself to introduce Luke to my driver. "Samson, this is Luke. An acquaintance." I introduced Luke the best way I could, but when I felt his hot gaze on me, I quickly changed it to 'A friend'

"Hello, Luke. Nice to meet you. You are very-

"Gorgeous, isn't he?" Lydia interrupted, and I threw a glare at her before I turned my head at Samson, who was nodding. Why are they behaving like it was their first time seeing a gorgeous man? They work in the fashion world. Geez

"Is he a new model? I doubt that." Samson said, his eyes checking out Luke's outfit. "He must be a popular runaway model, but why didn't I recognize him??" His brows furrowed as he returned his gaze to me.

"You didn't recognize him because he is NOT a model."

"He is not a model?" His expression was full of shock.

"No, he isn't. So can we be on our way? I don't have much time." I asserted as I grabbed my Gucci bag from the couch.

"Sure, sure," Samson replied, but his eyes were still full of shock.

Luke's eyes were wandering the whole surroundings as we drove to Angelos, and I'd quietly explain a few things to him whenever I saw that he had a quizzical look on his face. I don't know why I was doing that, but his tiny contagious smile anytime I did made my heart flutter with warmth.

"You should get a phone. So we can communicate when I leave." I said to Luke, and coincidently I saw a Walmart ahead of us.

"Samson, can you make a stop at the Walmart?"

"Sure," he replied, but Lydia turned her head at me.

"Do you want to get something for Jack?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"No. I want to get a phone for Luke."

She gave me a frown after my words, but I was less bothered. I had saved Luke, and he was currently amnesic. Let's not even talk about how he had no idea about anything at all.

"He doesn't have a phone?" Samson asked, but I decided not to give a reply. It wasn't as if I was asking either of them to get the phone for him.

When Samson pulled up in front of the Walmart, I grabbed my sunshade and quickly left the car to purchase the phone.

I got him a similar phone and the look on his face when I got back was enough as a reward. His expression was iconic, I should have taken a picture.

I input my digit and saved it with my name before I indicated how to make calls, and a few necessary things. I was glad that he wasn't illiterate because it would have been more difficult to explain.

"Thank you," Luke muttered, and I looked away to hide my flushed cheeks. It's just a phone.

"I will take care of this," he added, and I turned my head back at him.

"It's just an iPhone, not a property." I chuckled not believing he was holding such value to a phone.

"But you bought it for me."

This time, I couldn't hide my smile.

"Thank you," he appreciated again, his voice thick with unexplainable emotions as he looked at the phone.

"You are welcome," I said to him, fidgeting with my purse before I looked forward. My heart was hammering against my chest, and my cheeks were so hot, that I almost cupped them in my hands.

"Your cheeks are so red." I heard Luke say to me, and I quickly raised my hands to cover them while I blurted out some excuses.

"Oh, is that it?" His voice held so much amusement that I was embarrassed. I didn't dare look at him or say a word to him until we pulled up in front of Angelo's club.

I forgot to mention, but Mr. Angelo has a studio under his club that we used for fitting. Yes, I wasn't the only girl assigned to Mr. Angelo, but I probably was the hardest to deal with.

"Here we are again," I grumbled under my breath before I got down from the car.

I could hear Lydia's soft groan too. The men were oblivious to our concerns, but they still looked at us with worries.

"Is Mr. Angelo a bad man?" I heard Luke ask, and I shook my head.

"No, he is just hard to work with sometimes," I replied before I heard the stern voice of Mr. Angelo.

"Get your ass here, young lady. We have all been waiting for you."

I breathed down, and we walked closer to him. We were just a few feet away from him when I saw his starstruck face. As if he had seen the most wonderful thing on earth. I traced his gaze, and it fell on Luke.

I hadn't taken that in when I heard Mr. Angelo's coquettish tone, coming to meet us halfway.

"Who is this heavenly handsome man?" His face was almost as red as a tomato. He disgusts me.

"He is Luke," I answered, as I stepped in front of him to block him from moving any closer. A stern smile on my face, I didn't say a word until he got my message.

"Good day to you, Mr. Angelo." I heard Luke say behind him as he gently slid a hand around me, and pulled me to his side. His tall frame looked majestic by the side, and he was obviously towering the 5 foot 6 man before us.

"Hello, Luke. You look terrific." Mr. Angelo still wasn't taking his eyes off him. I guess he was really as shameless as I thought.

"- why don't you come in?" His smile was wider than I had ever seen him with girls. Someone pour some shame on this man!

"Valerie, how do you meet Luke? I haven't seen him around you before because I would have definitely remembered a face like that." He let out, and I scoffed inwardly. Shameless man.

"He is my new friend. We met a few days ago." I answered, not saying anything more about Luke.

Mr. Angelo paused his heels and turned at us. "Is he in Fashion? I haven't seen him around either." His quizzical expression almost ran me mad.

"Can we get to the fitting, please?" I grinned out my displeasure, and Lydia snickered.

"Valerie still had a plane to catch,"

Mr. Angelo mumbled his apologies but I just rolled my eyes at him. Just keep walking, please.

The fitting was more eventful than I expected because I hadn't expected the dress to look so ancient. Luke seems to like it because I caught his numerous slow stares at me – sorry the dress, every time I make a new posture.

I felt Mr. Angelo's gaze at me before his voice penetrated my ears. "Make him join our fashion house," he demanded, and I almost went wild.

I raised a cold glare at him and asked. "What do you mean, Angelo?"

"That man, Luke, can you at least persuade him to do the Givenchy Runway for our Fashion house?