Anything for his mate


"Are you interested?" She raised her head at me, and I swallowed hard before I replied.

"You aren't giving me a choice," I muttered as I looked at her hopeful face, and she smiled, moving awkwardly away from me.

"Of course, you have a choice, you can choose not to do the runaway, I would never force you to do it. In fact, I actually didn't want you to model for our fashion house at all." Other words that I've been expecting from her came tumbling from her mouth.

"What's the reason? Do you still think I'm not fit physically?" I asked, moving a bit closer to her for her to check. "I'm physically fit to stand and twirl in front of the black- uhm…camera." I quickly corrected myself. I've been hearing them tell her to look at the camera more than twice.

So, I guessed it was the black thing that flashes light.

Valerie raised her head at me and chuckled softly. "You do know the Runway is not like what I've been doing since, right?" She asked, and I raised a baffled brow at her.

"So what is it?"

"Here, look at me." Valerie answered, and within a few seconds, she formed a stance with a straight look and started walking. Her long legs after each other ahead of me. I couldn't stop looking at how majestic she looked at the moment.

Her hair, waist, and neck aligned with how she was walking, and she made it look so goddamn good.

On her way back to me, her lips raised in a small smile, and she walked just as gracefully again.

"What was that?" I countered gleefully. I couldn't hide my amazement. This was the first time someone has ever made walking so goddamn satisfactory.

"That- is how to walk a runaway," Valerie's eyes twinkled as she raised a beautiful smile. Gods be damned. How can she look so delicious and innocent at a time? Does she even know what she's doing to me?

Currently, the urge to pull her into my arms, and claim her was more overwhelming than anything I've ever felt.

"Do you think you can pull that off?" She asked, jerking me out of my daydream.

I shook my head to clear off my blazing desires, but when my gaze fell on her, she looked disappointed, and I suddenly felt like I had done something wrong.

"I didn't mean I can't do it," I instantly told her, and her expression changed to a better one. Her sweet smile was now back on her face.

"Really? You can do it?" She subconsciously moved closer to me due to her excitement, and her tantalizing smell invaded my nostrils again.

It took all I had in me to restrain my wolf from taking charge as it growled within me.

"Our mate"

"Claim her, claim her." My wolf which I have now been able to communicate with spoke to me again.

"Restrain yourself," I cautioned with a snarl.

"Are you doubtful of yourself?" Valerie asked, her brow raised in question as she rubbed her chin. It was at this moment that I noticed how tall she was. I have only noticed her long legs, tiny waist, exotic face, and tantalizing smell. She was a couple of inches shorter than me, but she was actually taller than my sister.

"Try and do the walk, so I can inspect you." She uttered all of a sudden and swallowed hard under her intensive gaze.

Taking a huge breath, I formed the same stance as she did a few minutes ago, and looked forward, making sure that my neck aligned with my body posture, then I started walking as she had.

At first, it was harder than I thought, but gradually it felt almost as natural as a normal walk, and I could feel a distinctive aura around me as I walked back to Valerie.

On getting to her, she had an absorbed look on her face. She was looking at me with the same expression that Lydia had given me this morning.

Did I ruin it?

"Was that good enough?" I cleared my throat awkwardly before I felt her jump on me.

"Luke! That was best enough! Are you fucking kidding me?" Her hands were wrapped around my neck, filling my senses with her smell, and I couldn't bring myself to act until she abruptly pull off and gave me a worried look.

"I think you were a model, and you must have forgotten due to your amnesia." She began, and I could almost see the wheels of calculation turning in her head.

"I might have to inform Angelo if he can find your agency, maybe we can know your information, and find your-

"I've never been a model, Valerie." I cut the fiction wheel in her head off. All my life, I've been the Alpha heir, a parent to my teenage sister after the demise of our parents, and then Perdio ruler.

"You've never modeled, and you walked like that?" Valerie looked like she would rather believe something else, but I confirmed either way.

"I can remember some things about myself, and I know I've never worked for a fashion house," I told her and she gradually nodded.

"No one would believe that if you walk like that! All our male models with years of experience would be ridiculed. I can't wait to see Randall's face when he sees you walk." She chuckled as she clapped her hands in excitement.

Randall? Who's that?

I felt I've heard the name before but I couldn't place a face.

"Randall is a model, he also works for Moria. He is currently our Rank A top model after Steve. I just learned that their application was rejected too." She explained, and I instantly remembered where I had heard the name Randall again.

It was when I was eavesdropping on her conversation with Mr. Angelo earlier- maybe not eavesdropping since it wasn't intentional at first.

"Anyways, their rejection brings you in, and I'm very sure that you will nail this!"

A smile gradually spread on my face as I watched her enthusiasm. She looked so carefree and happy.

"Are you that excited? What if I embarrassed your fashion house in the runaway?" The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

I knew I would do everything to have a perfect walk like hers, and looking at her right now made me feel much more confident about the runaway, but the anxiety that I'd never done this before was lingering.

Valerie smiled at me before she moved closer again, standing on her toes, she cupped my chin with her right hand and her other hand settled on my shoulder.

I gulped hard as our eyes met. This was the closest I've ever been to her, and if I leaned an inch closer-

"I know you are doing this for me, Luke." She said in a serious tone as she looked into my eyes. Her beautiful eyes were shining and glimmering, and I couldn't reply with a word of my own.

"I also know that you wouldn't make this flop." She gave an encouraging smile that set my heart ablaze. Slowly, my hands found their way around her tiny waist, and I watched her take a sharp breath before she looked at me again.

"Oh, Valerie," a groan escaped my throat as my hand tightened around her waist.

With the way her cheeks were flushing, I knew she could feel my semi-hardened manhood nudging her thighs because it was pushing through from my pants, and I couldn't think of a better thing to do at the moment.

I wanted to feel her, even if it was just for a few seconds…

Valerie cleared her throat and attempted to pull away but I reluctantly held onto her. "Can we stay like this for a while?" My voice was undoubtedly filled with arousal, and I expected her to move away, but she didn't.

"You smell so nice," she muffled in my arms, I almost lost all reason and nearly took her soft lips right there. "You shouldn't be worried, you will be paid handsomely, I will make sure of that." Valerie reassured me, our hearts beating in sync.

I was about to tell her that the runaway was the last thing on my mind when I heard a familiar buzzing sound, and I reluctantly pulled away when she reached for her pocket.

It's her phone again.

Immediately she saw who was calling, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Hello, Jake." I heard her say as she started walking away from me.

The sense of loss filled my entire being until she suddenly paused and looked back at me. She waved and pointed at her phone. "I'm sorry, I have to take this," I could hear her voice distinctly from a few steps away.


It was him, again.

Jealousy spread through me as I watched her happily talking from a distance until she entered the club house.

It was then that I recollected that she had forgotten to identify who Jake was…

But did she actually forget, or was she avoiding my question?

For a while, I couldn't stop the wheels of speculation in my head, and it was so goddamn frustrating that I kicked the car until a car suddenly pulled up beside Valerie's.

I wasn't surprised when I saw a familiar figure step out of the car. In fact, I had been expecting him ever since Mr. Angelo said he always tag along with Valerie.

"You are here?" Blake called out the instant he saw me, but my gaze dropped to the packages in his hands. It was so much that it seemed as if he bought the whole storehouse.