A rival or not?


We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, when in reality it was just a few minutes but as each second counted, my expectation slowly waned.

"You don't have to reply to me now, I will-

"You don't have to shoulder all my responsibility before I open my heart to you." Valerie's response fumbled out of her mouth, and I could see traces of unshed tears in her eyes again.

"I made you cry again?" I frowned, pissed with myself. This was the second time…

"No silly, you are just so sweet." she tapped my arms playfully as she sniffed. "You know, everyone seems to think I'm a thick-headed independent woman, and they were always cautious around me, but you- you just say the sweetest of things that make me emotional."

A gentle smile settled on my face after listening to her words, you are the sweetest

I've never thought being referred to as candy can be something I'd be proud of, but here I am smiling gleefully like a child.