Rejecting investors


"I will only be walking the runway," I said sternly again to Mr. Angelo and his provocative investors. 

I was so galled by their infuriating words, and if I wasn't thinking about the fact that anything I do here will be affecting Valerie one way or the other, I would have whacked the two men before me. 

"Are you sure? If you don't accept us as your investor now, this runway won't be your debut, and no matter how successful it is, it won't be added to your portfolio. That's a waste of time." Mrs. Williams or Abigail as her husband called her asserted calmly. 

I was slightly intrigued that she was taking this more calmly than Mr. Angelo and her husband.

"Would I be paid for the runway?" I asked Mr. Angelo, and he frowned before replying.