Visiting Moria


Getting inside Moria's house was just as easy as I thought. I was able to knock out her security men before they could understand what hit them, but what amazed me was that she wasn't in bed or resting at this hour. Rather, she was outside on her balcony, dining with a young man.

It was almost 6 am, but it looked like she was having fun idling her time away. 

It wasn't daybreak yet, but the lights around her house made it seem like it was 10 am in the morning. Cautiously, I moved closer to her and hid behind the cream-colored wall as I eavesdropped on her conversation. 

"What did you say, Randall? I finally removed the only obstacle in your way. Valerie wouldn't be coming back from Vidin even if she can." Her words traveled to my ears and a frown instantly etched on my face.

What did she mean by removing the only obstacle in his way? Was Valerie an obstacle to her boy?